Truth or dare

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After the meet and greet we all get back to our hotel rooms. I plop down on my bed when I get a text. it's from Cameron.

From cam: Go and ask Brooke and Taylor if they want to play truth or dare. The guys and I are on our way up to your room.

To Cam: okay

I shut off my phone and walk over to Brooke's room. I knock on the door and Brooke answers. She looks adorable even in sweatpants.

"Hey Matt what's up?" she asks

"Um the guys wanted me to ask you if you wand Taylor wanted to play truth or dare." I say while scratching the back of my head.

"Are you down for truth or dare with the guys Tay?" she yelled back to Taylor. Once Taylor said yes we all walked back to my room.


We get into Matts room and everyone is already sitting in a circle. Tay sits next to me and I sit in between Matt and her. Matt and I are extremely close together but I seriously DO NOT mind.

"Alright um Nash truth or dare?" Cameron asks.

"Truth" of course he answers with that. Cameron lets out a groan. Apparently annoyed with the fact that he chose truth.

"Fine! dare!" Nash says. Cameron smirks.

"I dare you to streak down this hall." As Nash gets undressed Tay and I cover our eyes. As soon as Nash comes back and gets clothed he says

"Okay.... Matt truth or dare?"

"Dare" he says confidently.

"I dare you to kiss Brooke." my face goes red and so does his.

"For 30 seconds!" Nash adds on. I swear I'm dreaming. Matt scoots to face me. He starts leaning in and so do I, our lips are centimeters apart. This is it, I'm going to kiss Matthew Espinosa. Our lips touch and I immediately feel the fireworks. Fourth of July. his lips are soft and gentle.

"Times up!" Nash yells. We pull apart and stare at each other. His big hazel eyes staring right into my bright blue ones. That's when I realize that everyone is staring at us. I awkwardly cough and everyone starts laughing. I look over at Cameron and he seems hurt. Then I look over and Tay and all she's doing is giving me a thumbs up mouthing 'nice job!' I roll my eyes. After a few more rounds of the game Tay and I go back to our rooms. before I go to bed I get a text. I couldn't believe who it was from.

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