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I woke up the next day in Matt's arms with my head against his chest. I could hear his heartbeat. I wanted to stay in this position but I knew we had to get up and get to the airport.

"Matt." I whispered. He moved slightly but still had his eyes shut. I tried to get up but he just held his grip tighter around my waist. A smile formed on my face.

"Matt get up we have to get to the airport." I said while shaking him. Finally, he opened his eyes. He looked up at me and then down at his muscular arms gripping onto my waist. He sighed and released his grasp from me. I got up and went to take and shower.

After I showered and blow dried my hair I put it into a side fishtail braid. I put on mascara. I slipped into a white crop top with overalls over it. I put on my white converse and grabbed my suitcase and phone. Matt was sitting on his bed fully clothed in jeans and a t-shirt.

"You ready to go Matt?" I asked him. He looked up and nodded. We walked out the door, down the elevator and into the lobby.

*skipping plane ride*

I got to the house to see a crying Taylor.

Well shit.

I ran up to Taylor and gave her a hug.

"What happened." I asked trying to soothe her.

"B-Brendan was ch-cheating on me with some g-girl." She sputtered out. Imma kill a bitch.

"Who was the girl?" I asked her. She looked up at me.

"That's the thing. She didn't know about me and she thought she was in a real relationship with him just like I did. She was heartbroken. I smashed a cupcake in his face and she poured her coffee on his head." She gave me a small smile.

"Well Brendan's not worth it obviously if he hurt both you and that other girl all at once." I said, I'm pissed. How could he do that? Especially to a girl like Taylor.

"Anyway. So I have an interview later on the Ellen Show. If you want to come be ready in 2 hours. okay?" I asked her. She wiped the last of her tears and nodded.


We got to the studio where the interview would be filming. I decided to go on twitter. I tweeted

"Hey guys! Watch me on the Ellen show @EllenDegenres wish me luck!💞❤️" I smiled but it soon hated when I started to see the hate. As usual I tried to ignore it but one caught my eye.

"@AyeItsBrooke you suck. you don't deserve to be in the spotlight. Just do us all a favor and die already.😒 from~@Espinosaismine" Why can't they just leave me alone?

I was introduced by Ellen and I walked into the stage. The crowd went into cheers and I sat down on the couch.

"Hi Brooke. Thanks for coming." Ellen said with a smile.

"No problem Ellen. Thanks for having me."

"So word on the street is that you auditioned for up and coming movie 'Threatened'?" She raised an eyebrow at me. I nodded.

"I'm not sure If I've gotten the part yet but my fingers are crossed!" I said with a laugh. She laughed too.

"So what's it like being on the Magcon tour? Any drama? Any behind the scene romances?" She pried. I started thinking about all the boys. I don't want any rumors starting.

"Not much drama. And no romances... yet" I said with a wink.

"Are you attracted to any of the guys?"

"Well they are all so adorable on their own way but I may or may not have my eye out for someone." I smiled and started blushing. We started talking a little more about Magcon when she asked

"So how are you dealing with all the hate Brooke? I see that you have been getting more than usual lately ever since you joined the tour." I bought about it for a second.

"Well obviously it hurts my feelings but people express their opinions." I lied straight through my teeth. It didn't just hurt my feelings. It killed me.

"Now we all know that's not true. How do you really feel?" She asked me.

"Okay. I'm going to go on a little rant here. If I cuss then I'm sorry but just cover your child's ears if u don't want them to hear this. Haters, Judge me and I'll prove you wrong. Tell me what to do and I'll tell you off. Say I'm not worth it and watch where I'll end up. Call me a bitch and I'll show you one. Fuck me over and I'll do it to you twice as hard. Call me crazy but you have absolutely no clue. What you say about me is just you acting out of pure insecurity. You say I'm just like other celebrities like what you call the 'slut' of miley cyrus, she's not a slut. She's expressing her own self in her own way. What you call the 'bitch' of Ariana Grande, she's not, maybe she's just sick of all of you haters and wants to prove you wrong. Before you go ahead and judge someone take a look in the mirror. You aren't perfect. So stop picking out my flaws." I looked strait into the camera. I hate haters. They can fuck themselves.

Clapping came from the crowd. Along with Ellen and Taylor. Ellen asked me to song a song and I sang the song 'Mean Girls' (originally by Rachel Crow but using it as an original song) that I wrote.

I got to the chorus.

I won't let it get to me no more

I don't wanna feel this way

I can't believe I let it go so far

No no it's not okay

What do you know about me?

Do you wanna know what I think?

Mean girls mean girls

You no longer run my world

Mean girls mean girls

Wanna just comb you out of my curls.

The interview was over and I had already gone to the studio to finish up my last 3 songs. It had been a good day over all. I got a call from Shawn. I answered it nervously.


"Hey Brooke. I wanted to know if you were free tomorrow? We could work on a duet? It's for my album." He stated slowly.

"Um sure. I'll meet you at the studio at around 2?"

"Yeah see you then."

"Okay bye." I said quickly.

"Bye" I hung up. Guess I'm singing with Shawn. This could be fun? Oh I don't know.

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