Good day

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*2 days later*

We made it to Canada and it's beautiful, from what Ive seen so far. Shawn seems to be happy to be back in his hometown so, as long as he's happy. I havent talked to him or Taylor, that much because...well... You know why. Matt and I have become really close again. Im glad to have him as my friend again.

We are in the hotel lobby and Bart is giving us our rooms and who we are sharing them with. He announced almost everyone til it was just me and Shawn. Well arent I a lucky person.

"Shawn and Brooke, you guys will be in room 427. We are going to an interview soon so tell all the guys." Bart said before walking away. I could feel Shawn's eyes burning holes into my skin. I ignored him and walked up the stairs to my room. I will not be able to be in an elevator with Shawn.

Once I made it into my room I saw Shawn was already here. The water in the bathroom was running so Im guessing he's showering. I picked out an outfit to wear to the interview. I went with really tight light blue denim jeans, a white flowy tank top that said Cartah dont do dat and my black Mary Janes.

Shawn walked out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist and it was hanging really low. I tried really hard not to stare at his abs but I was failing, badly.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." He said snapping my attention away from his body to his face. He had no expression on his face. I scoffed and rolled my eyes walking into the bathroom with my clothes in my hands. I played some music and the song "Off to the Races" by Lana Del Rey came on. I stepped into the shower and started singing along to the lyrics.

"My old man is a bad man

but I cant deny the way he holds my hand

and he grabs me, he as me by my heart

he doesnt mind I have a Vegas past

he doesnt mind I have an LA crass way about me

He loves me with every beat of his cocain heart

Swimming pool, glimmering darling

white bikini off with my red nail polish

Watch me in the swimming pool

Bright blue ripples, you

Sittin', sippin' on your black crystals, oh yeah

Light of my life, fire of my loins

Be a good baby, do what I want

Light of my life, fire of my loins

give me them gold coins

give me them gold coins

Now im off to the races, cases

of Bacardi chasers

Chasin' me all over town

'cause he knows im wasted

facin' time again at Rikers

Island and I wont get out

because im crazy baby

I need you to come here and save me

Im your little scarlet scarlet

singin in the garden

Kiss me on my open mouth

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