I don't want to Dad

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                "Dad i don't want to." my dad looked at me. "I know you don't but we gotta do it or daddy gets in trouble with the courts." my mom and me never get along and now since she's drinking and now using drugs it just gets her going. he hugged me and i winced. he looked at me. "What's wrong?" i sat on his bed and looked down. "I'm sorry." he bent down in front of me and looked me in the eye. 'For what hunny?" "Mom's been getting into some trouble. like Drinking every night and doing drugs." i let a few tears out before i continued. "She'll go do what ever the hell she does and then comes home yelling and screaming at me and then this happens." i pulled my shirt up and he saw this.

            i heard a gasp and i instantly started crying

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            i heard a gasp and i instantly started crying. "It hurts so much Daddy." he shook his head. "VINNY! RONNIE! MIKE!" uncle Vinny, uncle mike and uncle Ronnie came up. they saw what was on my back and just looked pissed. uncle Vinny pointed. "Who did that?" i looked down. "My mom." "WHAT!" i looked at my dad. "Please don't send me back." he hugged me but was careful with my back. "You know i have to send you back there. law makes me. but after Jersey Shore i have a court date with your mom to and i'll have you testify and everything ok? i'll get you home to me." i nodded. "We better go then. we all have flights to catch. oh and she doesn't have me call her mom. she has me call her Stephanie." i could tell my dad was mad. i didn't want to go but i had to. when it was time for me to get on the plane i broke down. my dad hugged me. "it'll be ok. it'll be over soon. just think 4 to 5 months. that's it." i nodded and he wiped my tears. "I love you Armabella." "I love you to daddy." he kissed my forehead and i headed on to the plane. but not before i got to see my uncles and my dad wave bye. Lima Ohio here i come. hope you can take care of my broken self

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