Gender reveal

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             I wasn't expecting Finn to be so happy when he found out i was pregnant. everyone supported us in wanting to keep the baby and today is the day we find out if we're having a baby boy or girl. i was looking at myself in the mirror when i noticed it. "Oh my god." "What?" Finn came in from the bathroom. i looked at him and smiled. "Our baby is wanting to show everyone that mommy is pregnant." i turn fully to him and he sees my newly found baby bump and smiles. "Well let's hope that you are a boy." i looked at him. "Finn we don't know if it's a boy or a girl for all we know it could be..." i never thought of that. "It could be what Belles." "Twins." he looked at me. "I know. Twins run in both of our families but the other one would've showed up by now." i nodded. "Whatever this baby is i'll be happy. just to think that i'll have a mini me or a mini you makes me happy." he smiled. "I know but we gotta get us ready." i smiled and we headed for the shower.

                 When we got ready for the party and everyone started showing up i felt something hit my side every now and then. i went into the kitchen and sat down trying to think what this is. Finn came in. "You ok?" i put a finger up and put my hand on my tummy and the baby did it again. my eyes widened at realization. "What? Whats happening?" i laughed and grabbed his hand and let him feel. the baby did it again mulitple times. "The baby's kicking." he smiled and kissed me. "This is what we ever wanted. even if it did come sooner then expected." I laughed as aunt Jenny came in. "Well it's time to find out what you to are having so let's open these party poppers." i smiled and we headed outside. "On the count of three. 1. 2. 3!" we popped them and it was blue. Finn started crying and jumping around. i laughed and he came at me and kissed me. "A little me!" i smiled and nodded. this was awesome

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