why didn't you tell me!

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Finn's POV

              me and Armabella haven't spoke in a really long time and it's my fault. i started not talking to her first and she went along with it. but something's making me feel like something's up with her. when i got home from school her aunt Jenny and uncle Vinny were in my living room. "What are you guys doing here." my mom walked in mad at me. "Finn you need to sit down." i sat down and they all looked at me. "What?" "why did you stop talking to her?" "I was mad at puck and i didn't want to explode on her." "Doesn't mean you leave a pregnant 16 almost 17 year old alone." i looked up. "What!" they passed me a paper from the doctors.

Baby age: 2 1/2 months
mother: Armabella Maria DelVecchio
father: Finn Michael Hudson
Due in: December

                    "That's from today. that's real and we got the video to go with it. she told us about what happened to Quinn and how you wouldn't believe her. yeah well there's proof." i didn't hear the rest because i ran out and started my truck and drove off to Armabella's house. when i got there i knew the rest of the jersey shore people were there. i slammed my trucks door shut and went inside. everyone was there and then she was in the living room. she was looking at me with what looked like fear in her eyes. i was mad. "Why didn't you tell me?" i held the paper up. she looked me dead in the eye. "We weren't talking and i knew what Quinn did to you and you'd think i did the same thing. i got scared Finn." i looked at her. "we're as in you and i are having a baby? a baby is growing in that stomach of yours?" she nodded and looked down. i was happy. I kissed her. we pulled apart. "What was that for?" i smiled. "We're having a baby." she smiled. "Yes we are Finn." Good because i've had this for a long time and i wanted to ask you this for a long time. i had your dad's permission to." i got down on one knee and she covered her mouth. "Armabella Maria DelVecchio. will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" she nodded and i smiled. i put the ring on her hand and we kissed. "Happy birthday." she smiled. "Thanks."

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