just a break

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              It's been a month and i was getting scared. Finn was acting weird so i decided to confront him on it. we were at my Veronica's rental house here in Lima, doing homework when i couldn't put it off anymore. "Alright what's up? and don't lie. i know something's up." "I think we need a break." i looked at him. "What? we just got together though." "Well maybe we need to see other people. i mean i love you and i know you're the one. i just want to make sure." he looked at me. "I'm sorry." he went to kiss me but i moved. "Just go." he gathered his things up and left. a started crying the minute he shut my bedroom door. Veronica came in my room a few minutes later and looked at me. "Why did Finn just come out of here crying and punched the cement wall?" i looked at her. "He said he wanted to see another person to see if we were really in love with each other." she came over and hugged me. "Oh hunny." "Dad was right. i want to go to Vegas." she looked at me. "Are you sure? when he comes back with the boys you wanna go to Vegas? you don't;t want to stay here?" i shook my head. "After he gets back in three months i want to just go to court and go home." she nodded. and left. i just hope 3 months go by faster then they feel.

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