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                   We were in the choir room when we got an announcement that the glee club members were supposed to go to the auditorium. i was kind of avoiding Finn because i told him i had a boy friend and he kind of freaked because we had sex the first day back to school. at least he got to swipe my V card. i was looking down at my shirt, trying to pull it down some more when i heard his voice. "Aww baby. trying to look good for me?" i immediately looked up and smiled at the face i saw

 trying to look good for me?" i immediately looked up and smiled at the face i saw

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       "Jesse!" i ran up the steps of the stage and ran into his arms. "Oh my god how are you here you're supposed to still be in Vegas getting ready for your shoot." he chuckled. "I quite." "What! why?" "I wanted to go to a normal school and that's why i'm here." he was smiling at me for a second and then turned into the devil. he pushed my down and i fell on my knee. i let out a scream and everyone from glee came to me. i looked at Jesse. "Why?" he smiled. "Because you were never good enough. Jersey girl are never good enough. see you never Bella." with that not were me and Jesse over but my knee was hurting like a bitch. i tried getting up and i couldn't. i looked at Finn. "My aunt Jenny is outside waiting to pick me up." he nodded and picked me up bridal style and took me to the car. aunt Jenny spoke. "Oh my god. what happened?" "Jesse came and they were being all lovey dovey one minute and the next thing any of us knew was that he pushed her down real hard and we heard a thump and her scream. she called her a worthless Jersey girl to. they broke up. somethings telling me that her knee needs a re- stitch." she nodded and drove us to the hospital. i looked at Finn. he was looking down at me and smiling. "It hurts." "I know babe." i smiled. "I missed that." with that i fell asleep in his arms

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