Story of my life

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          It was September which meant that i had 2 to 3 months until my dad comes. over the summer everything just got worse. i got to visit my dad once and all i did was cry to him and we had to tell everyone else what was going on. i miss everyone so much but over the summer i met my best friend/ crush, Finn Hudson. he was so nice and we got together at the end of the summer. he was getting ready for the football season and we both signed up for glee. i was only really happy my dad and my aunts and uncles from jersey shore but Finn really changed that. he made me happy and that's all that mattered. he respected that i didn't want to really talk about my family like ever and it was nice. he parked his truck and we got out. i smiled at him and we hugged. he was 15 and i was 14. we were in the same grade but the age difference was the only thing different really. i met everyone from Glee club at the end of last year and we all got along instantly. i was bummed that i didn't have my dad tho. we usually call in the morning and at night but we can't do that anymore and it fucking sucks. we were in Glee club already. that's how much i pay attention to things. "Alright guys welcome back." we all clapped. "And we're very happy to see you back Armabella." i smiled. "Call me Bella for short Armabella is kinda hard to say for alot of people so i've gotten used to being called Bella." he nodded and we started to have fun when my phone went off. i looked down at it and saw that it was my dad. i looked at Mr.Shue and he nodded. he knew my situation and knew that whenever i got a phone call i needed to take it. i went into his office and answered it. "Hey daddy." "Hi sweetie. umm i don't know how to say this." i sighed. that can't be good. "What's wrong?" i heard him sniffle. "Stephanie is making it really hard for me to come out there. she tried to get me arrested the other night. wait are you home all alone?" "Yeah. she said she had to take care of things in Las Vegas. she comes back today. why?" "She was here in Miami and she just freaked out on all of us. she tried fighting Jenny after she stuck up for you." i started to cry. "Daddy please help." "I'm trying baby i really am. we're gonna have her away from us and you and me. i promise." "Dad i like it here in Lima." he sighed. "I know you do but when everything goes down you won't want to be there for a little while. trust me. we'll stay in Vegas for a bit and then see what happens from there ok?"  i smiled. "ok." "I love you Squirt." "I love you to daddy." "Bye." "Bye." i came out of the office and everyone looked at me. "Why does it look like you were crying?" "Because i just got off the phone with my dad." Finn stood up. "Wait. your dad?" i sighed. "Alright story time." everyone got into a circle and i sighed. "When i was born my parents hated the hell out of each other and my mom moved me away from my dad. he got 25% custody while she got 75%. i hated it because she would go out and get drunk and do drugs and then she'd come home and yell and smash things and do things to me. before summer i was in Las Vegas with my dad, uncle Vinny, uncle Ronnie, and uncle Mike and they found out. my mom and dad have a court date in a few months and he promised me that he'll try his hardest to see me but my mom is just making it harder and harder." i started crying. "I miss him so much." Finn hugged me and i just hugged him back. he held me in his arms and let me cry. everyone els just joined in and we sat there for the rest of the time we had.

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