telling dad

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               it's been three days since i found out and my aunt Jenny was gonna help me tell my dad and uncle Vinny. Finn won't talk to me and i have no idea why. we were all sitting in the living room when aunt Jenny spoke. "Alright me and Armabella need to talk to you." i looked at her. "Ok shoot." "Umm dad it's not that easy." he looked at uncle Vinny then me. "What can't be that easy to talk to me and Vinny about. what? are you pregnant." i didn't say anything. "oh my god." i started crying and my dad hugged me which i was surprised of. "I didn't mean to dad." "Shhh shorty. i know. i know." "Wait you're not mad?" he laughed. "No. we all make mistakes and me and your mom made the exact same mistake but we were younger. your mom got and abortion without me knowing and it killed me. wait you are keeping it right?" i nodded. uncle Vinny spoke. "we all support you. does Finn know." "Uhh about that. he won't talk to me so i can't really tell him." they all sighed. "Well don't talk to him back then see what happens." i nodded

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