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         we were holding a Halloween party at my dad's house and all glee members and jersey shore members were gonna be there. my dad said he'd let us drink if we'd get cabbies or get guest rooms which we had plenty of. i was getting ready when aunt Jenny came in. "fucking A!" she laughed. "What are you cursing in here about?" "I don't have a costume and i don't know what to wear." she smirked. "Finn gonna be here?" i smiled and nodded. "Nicole!" aunt Nicole came up and looked at aunt Jenny. "What?" "She needs a costume and Finn is gonna be here." they both smiled at each other before grabbing a few things. i was nervous but excited at the same time.

              I was standing in my full body mirror when my uncle Mike came in. "Guys we gotta go down stairs. whoa." i looked at him. he was in a prince of Egypt kinda thing. "Your dad is going to kill you." aunt Jenny came back up with three drinks in her hands. "Drink these." i drank them without questioning and they both looked at me. "What?" "Have you drank before?" i looked at both of them. "Honestly yes. i would sneak drinks from you guys when you all were over. and i know how to handle my liquor." they both nodded and aunt Nicole nodded. "Well let's get this girl's V card swiped." "A second time." "What!" "Finn already took my V card on the day i went to school. we missed first period but we told Mr.Shue that we had business and he believed it." i shrugged and passed them and went downstairs. with me almost being 17 soon it was kinda cool doing all this. when i reached the bottom. the girls were lookin at me and the boys weren't. i saw Mercedes hit Finn's shoulder and and he looked up at me. He was a robber. i smiled. all the boys were looking at me and i went up to Finn. "My aunt Jenny and aunt Nicole dressed me. is it that bad?" he shook his head furiously. "Nope. not at all." i smiled and next thing i know i head. "Your dad is going to kill you Bella." i turned and saw uncle Vinny. "Where is he?" "In the kitchen." i smiled and walked in that direction. uncle Vinny grabbed my wrist. "What the hell are you doing? we're all trying to get you laid without your dad knowing." i looked at him. "Who else is in on this?" "Everyone from jersey besides your dad." i looked at Finn who was looking at my chest. "Alright we'll do this but me and him were already close to losing my V card the first day of school." i walked back to Finn and he went to the kitchen. Finn put his hands on my hips and we danced for a while.  for 3 hours straight we drank and it was now 11:00 pm and the party was still alive and going. Finn came behind me and we started grinding on each other. we were drunk but we weren't gonna spiral even if aunt Nicole did make our drinks. he whispered in my ear. "We need to go to your room. Now." i nodded and we went up there.

         He shut the door and pushed me against it and started kissing me. i moaned as he started going down my neck. "Maybe I should;d take those two pairs of cuffs away from you because your the one that was bring bad tonight." i smiled. i never saw this Finn. and it was hot. he took off my out fit to where i was in my undies and bra. he had to pairs of shackles to his costume and i had hand cuffs. i already knew by when he tossed me on the bed and started tugging on my feet he was gonna tie me down. luckily i made sure he door was locked. after he got done shackling me down he started kissing all over. "I promise to be gentle." i nodded and he pushed in. i moaned. why did it not hurt? oh yeah. rape. he was going fast and i was a moaning mess. "Finn i'm." i could get it all out with all the moans coming out of both of us. we came at the same time and he untied me and left them on the floor and we went on for 15 more rounds before we fell asleep/ but damn was he good

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