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        my eyes fluttered open and felt someone holding my hand. i looked and saw it was Finn. i smiled and started to pet his hair when i saw him wake up. he grabbed my hand and i squeezed it and he jumped up. he looked at me and smiled. "You're finally up!" he hugged me but i winced in pain. he stopped and looked at me. "Sorry." "It's ok Finn. how long was i out." "a week." whoa. i heard the door open. "Vinny she isn't up yet. it scares me to see her- oh my god." i looked towards the door and saw uncle Vinny's girlfriend, Veronica, she was looking at me with tears in her eyes. "Vinny. she's up." all the sudden she handed the phone to me. i took it and heard uncle Vinny crying. "Uncle Vinny?" he started crying. "Oh my god. it's a miracle! someone get Pauly. she's awake!" i giggled. "How's it there?" "Everyone was torn up that we couldn't come." i looked around and my eyes landed on Finn and i smiled. "Yeah well Veronica and Finn we here so." all the sudden i heard from there end. "Give me the damn phone Vinny." i chuckled but then winced from the pain. "Armabella?" i started to tear up. "Daddy." "oh my god." he started crying and i did to. "Dad!" "Hey it's ok. is Veronica there?" "Yeah she's here. why?" "She's gonna stay with you until i get there ok?" "Daddy?" "Yeah?" "What happened?" "You and Stephanie got into-" "What happened to Stephanie. i remember everything that happened until her beating on me." "Oh well Veronica wanted to surprise you and when she heard something shatter she started banging on the door and called 911. apparently you were supposed to go to a party because your date came to pick you up and he started to bang on the door and when the police couldn't get the door in. he did." i looked at Finn. "He did that?" "Yeah. if he wasn't there any sooner from what i'm hearing is that he saved you from getting seriously hurt besides you having four stab wounds, a busted up knee and a few broken ribs and a gash above your eyebrow." "Wow i must look ugly." he laughed. "we DelVecchio never look ugly. we're awesome." i laughed. "whatever dad." i could hear him smiling. "Alright but i gotta go shorty." "Bye daddy." "Bye Pumpkin." with that we hung up. i looked at Finn. "You really did that." "I don't know what you're talking about." i crossed my arms and looked at him. "Don't lie. we DelVecchio never lie so spill." "Yes i did kick in your front door ok." i smiled and made him come over to me. i pulled on his shirt and kissed him. he stayed still and then started to move. we broke away for breath and we rested our foreheads on each other. "What was that for?" i smiled and bit my lip. "Saving me." he smiled. "Maybe i should do it more often. will u be my girlfriend?" i nodded and his smile grew bigger. the doctor came in. "well Mrs.DelVecchio, you're free to go. your aunt knows what to do so i hope you get better." he left and i got changed and had to use the crutches to get around. i just want my family together again

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