oh my god

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                     It's Finn's birthday and every morning i've been getting sick just like this morning. i sat in bed next to Finn and just laid there. then it came to me. i'm late. i looked at Finn and tried to think. Halloween and Vegas. wait Vegas. that's when it would be most affective because if it was Halloween i would know already. i was trying to get dressed when none of my jeans weren't fitting. i looked in the drawer of clothes that Finn has left over here and saw a pair of Jeans. perfect. the legs of them were to long. ugh. i was getting frustrated. then i remembered. the clothes that aunt Jenny gave me. i opened the bag and saw a pair of jeans and they fit. Finally! i headed downstairs and my aunt Jenny and aunt Nicole were there. my aunt Jenny looked at me and her eyes bugged. "You know those pants are to big for you." i frowned. i had to lie. "Ok i think i'm gaining wait." i uncovered myself from my cardigan and showed them. they both looked at each other then at me. "Vegas." my face looked like a ghost had past by. "oh my god." aunt Jenny and aunt Nicole grabbed one of my hands. "ok here is what we're gonna do. the three of us are gonna go out and we're gonna take you to the doctors. everything will be ok. if Pauly kicks you out, you're living with me." i nodded and we left.

            when we got to the doctors i was notified that my aunt Jenny had entered herself as my mom. i was looking down at my hands when i asked her why. "Because i love you like my own child. Pauly is a great friend of mine and we all helped raise you. i was the one who taught you how to swim and you'd help me make pancakes." i smiled and they called me back. "alright mrs. De-" "DelVecchio" "What's been happening?" "Well i'm late, i've been getting sick in the mourning for the last two weeks and none of my regular pants fit me." the doc looked at me and excused herself from the room. i looked at Jenny. "You are totally pregnant." i looked down and she grabbed my hand. "Hey it's ok. you didn't mean for this to happen. you weren't meant to happen and look at all of us. you're dad first got your mom pregnant when he was your age and she was 15. she did an abortion." i nodded. holy shit. the doc came back with a machine with her. "Ok Armabella can i have you lift your shirt a little and pull down your pants a little." i did as i was told and my aunt Jenny was right. "Well Mrs DelVecchio you are indeed one and a half months pregnant." they gave me prescriptions and i went home. what am i gonna do.

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