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-Emmaline's Point of View-

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"My boyfriend." It had been so long that I've actually had a boyfriend that these words felt foreign against my tongue.

Renesme smiled, "you know this practically makes you my Aunt."

I rolled my eyes but smiled. "Anyways, we've been together for just over three weeks and even though Jasper has taken me on a many romantic dates I really want to do something for him."

"You want to take HIM on a date?" She questioned skeptically.

I nodded.

"Well I don't know what you could do." She admitted.

I sighed and let my body flop back onto my bed, "well what good are you," I teased.

"Well I can help you brainstorm." She suggested.

I tried desperately to think of something that would be fun for both of us but be something that Jasper enjoys.

Idea after idea, and finally I remembered something that Jasper had mentioned only once before back around the time I first met them.

"I've got it."

"Ooh what is it?" Renesme asked excitedly.

"It's a surprise, now go before he gets here and you ruin it." I said.

"I won't ruin it." She pouted.

"Your emotions are all over the place, he'll know something's up."

"True." She agreed, and as soon as she stood up to leave there was a knock on my balcony door. She ran out of my room where I'm sure she let herself out.

I went over and let him in.

"Where'd Ness go?" He asked a little worriedly.

"I don't know, home I guess, she said something about Jake and then took off." I said innocently, then stood on my tip toes to kiss him, he met me the rest of the way by bending down and pecking my lips gently with his cold ones. I shivered and smiled.

"So what were you two doing before I showed up?" He asked as he walked me back over to my bed.

"Just talking." I admitted.

"Just talking?" He questioned skeptically. "You two are always up to something."

I wrapped my arms around his waist and smiled at his coolness, "well to be honest I was trying to think of ideas."

"Ideas for what Darlin'?"

"Ideas for a date." I admitted.

"Did you not care for the dates I've taken you on?" He asked a little worried.

I sat down and pulled him with me. "I did enjoy them, that's why I wanted to do something special for YOU, I want to take you out on a date."

He laughed lightly as he took my hands into his. "And what Darlin', do you have in mind?"

"It's a surprise." I replied cooly.

"Okay." He sweetly agreed.

"So be ready, tomorrow night." I insisted. "In the mean time how about you give me some more kisses."

In the beginning Jasper was very skeptical about being physical in our relationship, now I don't mean sex, I mean hugging and kissing. But with every day that passes, his reserve seems to melt away.

He no longer seems so tightly wound and now he always greets me with a sweet peck on the lips.

He laid me back against the bed before his lips met mine.

But as usual he pulled away before we started getting too into it.

I groaned.

"It's for your own safety." He insisted as he placed a tender kiss on my forehead.

I rolled my eyes, "this wouldn't be an issue if I was like you." I voiced out of frustration.

"I-is that something that you want?"

I looked up at him, to be honest it isn't something I've given much thought to as our relationship has progressed. I thought having a vampire boyfriend would be much more difficult, but seeing how "tame" it is I've managed to keep my mortality and haven't thought about it.

"I'm not sure." I nearly whispered out of embarrassment. I've heard the stories, I know Bella was all for becoming a vampire almost as soon as she found out Edward was a vampire. But I just can't imagine giving everything up.

Does that make me greedy?

"Tell me what you're thinking." He sighed.

I reached up and touched his face to calm him down, "I'm only thinking that I am enjoying this too much to think about anything else at the moment." I said.

He smiled and sat me up, "I don't want you to think you have to choose one thing or the other, you know I'll be with you no matter what you choose."

"Can we not talk about it?" I asked suddenly feeling way too overwhelmed.

He must've sensed it too as a panicked sort of look filled his face.

"I'm fine babe, it's just kind of a big deal and I don't really want to focus on it right now." I said, "I just want to focus on us."

He smiled and nodded his agreement.

"Alright, so back to this date tomorrow" his smile stretched as he suddenly snaked his arms around my waist "I just want you to know that, I don't put out on the first date." He teased and I fell into a fit of giggles, "I'm just not that kind of guy."

I kissed him and then we settled down for a night in. He helped me finish my homework and then we both got into my bed to watch some movies.

I loved the feeling I get when he holds me in his arms, unfortunately it never lasts nearly long enough.

"Here's another blanket," he said softly "your shivering."

He pulled back from me slightly so that my double blanketed back wasn't touching him any longer.

"I feel like an Eskimo" I grumbled as I looked down at my now shapeless form.

"A very cute Eskimo." He added as he kissed my hair.

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