Prolouge- Hi! I'm Eren!

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Sooo..... Hi! I'm Eren Jaeger, your average 21 year old male, you know, finished school starting to adapt to living on my own...

And being a freaking full time mermaid! Haha but no I'm being serious. I'm a mermaid. I get payed to swim around a tank and smiling and blowing kisses to little kids. Okay.... i know that sounds pervy but I just like making people smile okay! I've just left school with like no qualifications. But if I'm a mermaid who needs good grades!

I work in trost aquarium. Well me and my best friend armin. (LOVE YOU ARMIN) We both interviewed together after we were both on the high school swim team being quite successful. Armin nearly leapt out of his seat when I suggested we signed up for a job. It took a while to convince him but we started looking for jobs as I felt bad my dad was paying for me to live with him. Money was already tight as it is. We looked around for a while until armin said he found the perfect job for us. I thought it would be like a library or something so I asked him what it was ready to reject but then he said aquarium.


"WHAT THE F- Armin! How did you get in here?!"

"That doesn't matter I've found us the perfect jobs!"

I roll my eyes. Oh great what is it now, a library? Stacking books for little to no wage oh goodie!
Or it could be the joy of an office job! I love working in cubicles learning knowledge I leant in school.
Or maybe-

"Eren I can almost HEAR your sarcastic thoughts"

"......Well, what is it?"

"Oh so you want to know now do y-"

"Armin get on with it"

With a giggle he apologises and looks up to me. He grabs my arm and pulls me out my house.
"Armin where are w-"

"For the interview!"

"ARMIN" He looks at me confused. "What?"

"You still haven't told me what it is" He looks at me.
"Why are you so persistent? I'll tell you on the way" I huff and get into his little red van.

He starts to drive. I look at him expectantly but he doesn't realise. I clear my throat very loudly making him snap his head to me. "Oh! We are being mermaids! Ta daaa!"
I just stare at him in shock. Mermaids.
"Stop the car"
He smirks and keeps driving.
He looks at me.
"Eren come on, we both know we're desperate"
"Yes but I DO have respect for myself"
"Oh come on, we were on our swim team, they have to accept us"
"Eren we both know this will do shit to your already pretty shitty image"
I out a hand over my chest.
"Armin that hurt"
He sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Eren come on it won't be that bad"
I huff and cross my arms. Armin smiles knowing he has won and we drive up to the aquarium.

I can't belive I'm fucking doing this


Now, I couldn't be happier to be quite honest. I just love putting a smile on people's faces. My manager Erwin accepted me and armin after the interview. The interview basically consisted of us telling him what we could do then us getting INSIDE THE TANK and swimming.

Armin.... how do I even explain. I never knew how graceful he looked underwater. We only ever did competitive swimming which was fast and upbeat and now he was there swimming with his legs together gliding through the water like.... a mermaid. Honestly you would think this boy WAS a mermaid. He rolled his hips while keeping his arms up and his body just followed one wave.

Then there was me. I wasn't terrible. But I wasn't very graceful. Let's just say I had to practise swimming like this so much I can't swim any other way. No more competitive swimming unless you want mermaid paddle...

Anyway I'm getting off topic, we signed up for the mermaid job thing and after 2 months of training....

Here we are. Mermaids in trost aquarium. Me and armin walk to work together every morning because we need to keep in shape for this job. That's the only thing that sucks. I can't eat this and I can't eat that it's the worst part of this job.
But I guess I can live with the fact that I get payed for this and I can afford my own place I guess.

But that's the boring stuff right? You want to hear about how my mission to make everyone smile went! Well not everyone. But someone in particular. You want to hear about that grumpy man that came into the aquarium with his daughter and how I made him smile. Or did I? He was such a stoic person I seriously had doubts if he was capable of any emotion other than anger.
But anyway~
Here you go, our story

Making You Smile- [Ereri/Riren]Where stories live. Discover now