Chapter 6- Action!

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I sit outside in the pool just flicking my tail back and forth. I don't know why I have to stay here it's white awkward considering mikasa and levi are just staring. Mikasa is full of wonder but I can't figure out the look on Levis face.
He's very hard to read.
I sit feeling the water flick between my binded legs as I head footsteps approaching. I look up to see a blonde boy and I smile.
"Hey armin" I say through the grit of my teeth.
"Hehe hi eren come on let's get you out" I huff and put my arms in the air. He gently picks me up and we head over to the door. Feeling eyes burning the back of my head I turn to see levi staring at me with the same look. I just can't understand it.
Armin puts me on a trailer thing and we get to the small room where he dolphins wait before going out. Sasha is going to start and when the dolphins are signalled we are grabbing one of the fins and going out. I have no clue what else we have to do but we are just going to improvise some sort of story I guess. We hear a crowd develop as I look at my watch. 9:45.
Ugh it's way too early for this shit.
I hear music start to play in the backround quietly signalling all the trainers are going out to the deck getting props and everything ready. I hear a familiar voice through the small window pointing out.

"Hey ladies and gentlemen! We are going to start shortly, I know it's hard but please stay in your seats as we don't want to frighten the animals by getting to up close and personal with the glass. We don't have any fire drills planned today but in the case of an e-"
I zone out the speech I've heard times and times again and I help armin into his tail. We fix each others hair and both put on waterproof mics that activate when we un-submerge ourselves. Hanji made them. She said she's quite crafty. I hand armin a small necklace which he outs on and I do the same it's just a symbol that we are workers and have permission to be there. I can't really wear a name tag in the water on my nonexistent shirt.

"So ladies and gentlemen today we are going to start off by introducing Jackson! He's a Calafornian sea lions and he wants to say hello! Say hi Jackson! Haha good boy! Now while Jackson swims around the pool let me tell you a bit about him. He's the type of sea lions that pops in your head straight away when you say sea lion. In fact-"

Once again I zone out knowing everything about every damn animal in this place. I don't know how Sasha keeps up it would drive me crazy. I look my head out the window to see the crowd staring in awe as the sea lions climbs up to the trainers and performs tricks while Sasha is still coming up with facts about him. Soon enough she sends Jackson off back to his tank.

"Now," She starts.
"I know most of you are here for 2 very special appearances" The crowd cheers.
"Maybe you've heard of our dolphin shows?" She pauses. "Or maybe... the mermaid enclosure?" She smirks as the crowd scream and clap. She giggles through the microphone.
"Well, we are going to have boh the dolphins AND the mermaids join me in the pool today" once again the crowd go wild and me and armin climb into the pool and grab the final of a dolphin.

"Now here at trost aquarium we have 2 mermaids. One called armin, and the other called eren. You most likely have seen them in their tank next to the sting rays and if you haven't well you're in for a treat!" She giggles.
"Should we bring the dolphins and the mermaids out?" She shouts. Everyone screams and we hear sasha shouts. "Come on guys!" I blow a whistle in our room and take a deep breath as I'm dragged out of the room through a small water passage. The dolphins are fast I must admit. You can't really hear the shouting from under the water but I was nearly going deaf by the sound of it from under water. I let one hand go from the dolphin and use my other one to wave at all the children staring at us in awe. Armin let's go of the dolphin and I do the same swimming up to the top of the tank. I lean my body over the edge of the pool and speak into my now activated microphone.
"Hey guys" I smile and armin waves.
"How's your day been so far?" Armin asks the crowd. Everyone screams and shouts leaving us waiting atleast 10 seconds to speak. 
"Well i think we should introduce ourselves don't you think? " I say to armin  and he smiles.
"My names is armin! Nice to meet you all"
"And I'm Eren! It's wonderful to see you all"
Everyone screams and I giggle through the mic. I look down to see mikasa and levi looking up at me. Mikasa waved and I waved back before she turned her attention to armin. Levi still however stared at me. Feeling courageous I done something I would soon later regret.

I smirked at his expression of wonder and his face twisted a bit at my reaction. Not really controlling what i was doing it winked at him and blew a kiss.

His eyes widen and so do mine as I realise what I did. I send a nervous laugh and Sasha notices.
"Okayyyy" Let's hand over this to the boys and If I am correct they have a few tricks planned to show you" me and armin nod before diving deep into the water and swimming around the edge of the glass waving at little kids and parents. The dolphins start doing the same and we grab a hold of a fin and start jumping with them.

The performance is great and everything but I can't help but remember that awkward moment.... how levi he react if he sees me in person...

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