Chapter 28- Just as expected

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Levi's P.O.V

'I really don't want to go'
Was all that was repeating through my head until I text Eren, don't get me wrong, I would love to go... But Kenny always finds me! It's hell! Ugh, what am I going to do? 
I run my hand through my hair and realise Eren will almost be here. I run upstairs and grab a hoodie and pull it over my head. I look in the mirror and see that I look terrible, great. I run my hands through my hair panicking . "He's going to show up and everything is going to go wrong!" I shout and groan. I hear the doorbell ring and I walk down to the door. 
I take a deep breath and open it to see a familiar brunette in my doorway. He motions for me to come outside. 
"Come on" 
"Eren, brat, look, I really want to go but-"
"Lev, I got everything under control" He assures me, I look at him confused, what does he mean by that. He sighs and grabs my hand before pulling me out the house and closing the door. 
"Nothing will happen to you, if you always live your life wondering 'what if' you won't get anywhere" He smiles squeezing my hand assuring me. He's right, lets just enjoy this while we can. I nod and he smiles. 
"Okay, where are we going?" 
"That's a secret, but its outside and not in the city" He says and I roll my eyes huffing slightly as surprises just seem like hell to me. Eren chuckles slightly and pulls me through the streets acting pretty weird. 
"Eren? Is everything alright?" I ask and he looks at me with an obvious fake smile. 
"Yup! I'm great, just... thirsty! Do you want to stop at a café?" I give him a weird look and nod before he pulls me further into town with a grip on my arm. 

Hanji's P.O.V

They are on a date!!! "MY BABIES ARE GROWING UP!" I shout and Erwin and Petra laugh, yes... we are following them... but we only want to make sure they... are okay! Yeah! 
"Where do you think they are going?" I ask following them downtown, Erwin shrugs, 
"I don't know but Levi looks confused, Eren must have planned" Me and Petra nod. Eren starts talking to Levi and drags him off down the road somewhere and we all follow holding behind. We see Eren pull his jumper down more and we see something under his belt. Me and Petra couldn't catch what it was...
"What was that?!" Petra exclaims and Erwin goes quiet, I turn to him with an eyebrow raised. "Eren don't do anything stupid" Erwin says to himself but he doesn't explain what he means. We follow him down to watch over Levi and Eren. Petra looks nervous and I am too but don't let it show, what did Erwin see? 
We carry on following till they head in a coffee shop. We hide around the corner and watch them come out with cups. 
Where are they going? 

Eren's P.O.V

I feel someone watching me, I hope that its Kenny, for all I don't want it to be, I need to get him out of everyone's lives. I feel the gun that the police told me to take under my belt. Will it come to that? I hope not... will Lev hate me? Probably, he will murder me for not telling him. But if I can get Kenny detained he will not bother anyone anymore, that's more of an achievement for me. How long have I known these guys? A few weeks? Something like that, but they already feel like my family. It hurts to see how much Lev shuts people out so they wont get hurt. I need to stop that, if I can that is. I lead Levi out of town not looking back as we talk about random things. 
"How is Azul doing, I still can't believe you adopted a cat, just out of the blue" He chuckles and I nod. 
"I always wanted a pet, dog or cat, but for how much I am out of the house I would feel bad having a dog, cats are quite independent, unlike dogs" I say and he nods. 
"Yeah, I suppose, oh actually, speaking of that day" I turn to him as he takes a sip of his tea. 
"You spoke German" I nod and he looks around. 
"Teach me some?" He asks and I nod. 
"Eren Jaegers German master class!" Levi rolls his eyes and I nudge him, 
"Do you want to learn?" He apologises and urges me on. 
"Okaaay, You greet someone by saying, Hallo, Wie geht es dir?" 
"What does that mean?" 
"It just means hello, how are you?" 
"And how do you respond?" I chuckle, 
"Well if your Levi you would say Verpiss dich"
"Verpiss Dich?" I nod, 
"And that means?" I laugh, 
"Fuck off" He rolls his eyes. 
"Verpiss Dich" He says sticking a finger up at me. 
"See! You are already getting the hang of it!" He rolls his eyes and grabs my hand again. 
"Or, If you are Eren, you tell Levi, Ich liebe dich" 
 He looks at me weirdly, "And that means?" 
"Oh, nothing" I smirk and teach him some more words like colours and numbers, he can count to ten, a few animals and name the main 7 colours.

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