Chapter 18- Regret

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(This chapter is in Levi's P.O.V)

"Mikasa can come around now i have everything sorted for friday now, yeah i did it yesterday, thanks Farlan" I hang up the phone and take Mikasa's gift into my room to hide it. Yesterday was one hell of a day. I can't believe i got vulnerable infront of Eren. I don't know what happened yesterday but it's confusing me too much. A part of me isn't mad about it. If anything i'm just confused to why I can act that way around him. He's making me feel things and i don't appreciate it. I hear the doorbell. 
"Jeez Farlan how fast, COMING" I put my phone and drink down and walk to the front door. I open the door and see Eyebrows standing there. 
"Oh, it's you, come in" I say walking away from the door. He chuckles and i walk back into the sitting room and take a seat on my white couch. 
"How are you?" I huff. "If you came all the way here to ask how i was im going to drop kick you out of my house" He sighs.
"Who shat in your cereal this morning?" I sigh.
"Nobody im just in an iffy mood, im confused" He nods. "Eren is as well, am i right in thinking it's for the same reason?" I look at him. Eren is acting the same? Honestly though... what is happening between us? We act closer than friends when we aren't actually that close and we act more than friends but we aren't more than friends...

"Levi...?" I snap out of it. "Holy shit was has Eren done to you" He chuckles and i send a glare his way. "If you are here to talk boys with me that is also a way to get drop kicked out of my home" I add. 
"Im here to talk kenny" My head immediately snaps up.

"I told Eren not to tell you but i'm going to tell you. Don't freak out." I nod at him suspitiously. "Okay..?" He takes my drink and takes a sip before smiling at me. Great, now i'm getting eyebrow disease. 
"You know Erens little...episode in the pool yesterday" My head quickly diverts. It pained me to think about that. I don't know why it bothered me as much as it did...
"We didn't tell you because you were already upset but the reason Eren freaked out and inhaled  water was because Kenny was up against the glass taking more photos of him" I feel the anger burn up inside of me. I groan and put my head in my hands. 
"Why didn't you tell me?!" I shout. Erwin looks at me.
"Levi you cried, into Eren, that's concerning in itself! Mr I have no emotion!" I tense up.
"No i didn't, i was just,concerned that some brat coughed up a shit ton of blood infront of me and nearly drowned" Erwin sighs and nods. 
"Sure, whatever, my real thing was that we need to report Kenny to the police Levi!" He says seriously. I have never went to the police because i was always too scared Kenny would use his gang against me like he threatened to do.
"Erwin you know I can't" I say looking down. He groans.
"Levi, this is affecting more than just me and you now Levi, it's affecting Eren, soon it will be Petra, Sasha, Krista, Jean, Marco, Farlan. For god's sake it is already affecting your three year old sister! I know for a fact you care for Eren more than a friend, you treat him a hell of a lot better than basically anyone on this planet Levi, Mikasa and Eren are at a serious stake. Just, think" He stands up and walks over to the kitchen. Fuck my life everything is spiralling down. I thought about killing myself to get Kenny to stay away but I can't be sure he'll leave everyone alone. Maybe it is time I give this to the police but will that put my family and friends at more risk?? Everything is against me.

Bright Eyes

Hey... Kid?

I just need advice at this point and he's the one i listen to apparently.

Hey, yeah?
I need advice on something
Okay what's up?
Kenny, he's so consistent on making my life hell and the lives of my friends, the thought of me contacting the police could possibly  end up leaving us in more danger than we started with. Do i risk it to get him locked up?
Gosh that's a question and a half, If I'm honest, i wouldn't know what to do but my head is saying contact the police and let them know your worries about his gang getting us
Well yeah, but Kenny is cunning, he can find me anywhere
Would you rather live in fear till the day he dies and not having anyone to be able to turn to?

He had a good point...

Then speak up, He won't do anything, I wont let him hurt you Levi

I feel myself blush and type back.

You can't protect me Eren
Trust me, i can, are you doubting me again?
Whatever you say kid

I hear a chuckle from behind me and I quickly turn my phone. "Levi your ears are red" I shrug and he comes and sits back down.
"Levi?" I look up at him.
"Come on we should go to the police station" I huff before crossing my arms and leaning back.
"Levi, grab the photos and that letter, we ARE going to report him." I jump out of my chair.
"We can't report him if the photos and the letter are gone" I say smirking on the inside.
"They are gone?" Erwin nearly shouts. He quickly runs and grabs my arm.
"Well, let's look for them" He says.
"Erwin, I will drop kick you out of my home, let go of me" He keeps his grip on me.
"I said," I stamp on his foot. "Get off!" I run up the stairs and run straight to my room grabbing a small box under my bed which I keep the contents of Kenny's photos and letters in. I go to run out of the room when I see Erwin running towards me. What do I do?!
I quickly step back and slam my door shut locking it. I hear a faint knock.
"Levi, stop being a baby" I hear Erwin sigh.
"I'm not being a baby I'm doing this to protect you!" He pulls the handle and tries to shake it.
"It's locked Erwin, I'm not that gullible" He sighs and I hear him take a few steps back.
"Break my door and I break your neck" He runs towards the door but I put my whole body weight against the door so he can't get through.

"Levi you leave me no choice" I sigh. Thank god he's going to leave me alone. He walks down the corridors but I stay in my room with the box.
I open it and look through. There were 70 pictures now... most of me, my sister, Erwin and now two of Eren. I sigh. I know i should take it to the police but I can't, I don't want anyone I care about to be hurt. I hear Erwin talking downstairs but I just brush it off. Where do I hide these? I can't get rid of them from my bedroom. I hear my phone ring from my pocket. I look at the contact

Bright eyes is calling...

I huff. This had Erwin written all over it.
"Hello?" I huff through the phone.
"Hey Levi! Just thought you should know, I'm coming over!" Huh?
"Why?" I ask.
"To come with you to the police station silly" He laughs on the phone.
"Oh about that, change of plan, I'm going a different day" I can hear him smiling through the phone.
"Yeah that's not what I heard, anyway, I'm 5 minutes away, and, I'm in a car. So i won't be long, so please make this easier for me and come out of your room" I scoff.
"Why should I listen to you?" He laughs along the  line.
"Fine, okay, Lev you have it your way" I hear the phone go quiet.

"Eren, where am I dropping you off?" I hear a male voice say.
"Here will be fine" Shit he's here already?
"Tch" I say more directed at nobody than him but I hear a giggle.
"Thanks Armin, I'll see you tomorrow" I hear a car door shut and he brings the phone to his ear.

"Lev, would you be a dear and meet me outside?" I scoff. "No" I retort.
"Fine, Erwin will let me in, he's so much nicer you know Lev" I feel my stomach sink.
I head a giggle at my no reply and a gate open.
"Don't make me knock down your door Lev" I scoff.
"Yeah right, you couldn't knock down a door" I say laughing.
"Okay then" the phone hangs up. Okay now I'm scared.

I hear the front door open and Erwin laughing. "You got here fast" I hear Eren reply but I can't figure out what he said. I hear a creak and steps getting closer.
"Piss off" I say. I hear a gasp.
"Lev! I thought we were friends!" I scoff.
"No but seriously Lev you should go to the police." I sigh.
"I can't" I hear him sit down outside of the door.
"Let me in" He says. I think about it for a second.
"No" I say. He sighs. "Lev, I won't do anything you can lock the door when I come in, just explain to me why you can't. I'll not let Erwin in. I promise" I hear Erwin sigh and walk away. When I'm sure he's left I slowly stand and grab the key for the door.
"Promise?" I ask. I hear Eren chuckle.
"I promise" I open he door slowly just enough to i can peek out. Surely enough I just see Eren Sitting on the floor leaning against the wall.
"May I come in?" I scoff and grab his shoulder.
"Hurry up before eyebrows makes a break for it"

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