Chapter 26- Date?

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Erens P.O.V

I wake up as the light pierces through the gap in the curtains onto my face. I go to move when I feel weight on my chest and realise my arms are wrapped around a small Lev lying on my chest. I smile slightly as I see his peaceful face while he slept. I check the clock and see it reads 9:21. Wait is everyone else still here? I shrug it off but smell a sweet smell I'm assuming from down stairs. I feel my stomach growl and frown, but Lev is so waaaarm. I sigh and try to move lightly but a frown appears on Levs face before he clings on to my waist gently. I slowly pat his head. 
"Hey, Lev" I whisper and he groans before burying his head in my chest. I run my hands though his hair.
"Lev come on, I smell something sweet, maybe it's food" I whisper and he pinches my side. 
"Fine, but I'd hate to see the mess everyone made downstairs... after all we did head upstairs without setting any rules of cleanliness" I say teasingly and his head snaps up. 
"I didn't??" He says quickly and I smirk shaking my head no. He goes wide eyed and jumps out of bed before grabbing my arm and running out of the room. 
"Levi we need a shirt!" I say getting dragged behind.
"No time Eren! I'm going to kill eyebrows if he let anyone make a mess. I pull my hand away and run next to him. "Levi I think this is highly unnecessary they'll be fine!" We run down the stairs to see everyone up and sitting in the immaculate sitting room. 
"See! I told you so!" 
"No! You said there would be a mess!" Everyone looks at us highly amused. 
"Lev, I needed an excuse for you to let go of me, I need food" I say and Lev slaps my arm. 
"Oh and also! You didn't let me get myself a shit, so I think I didn't deserve that" He smirks and looks me up and down. 
"That makes me highly uncomfortable also so please stop" 
"Why should I? I was tired!" He complains, I shrug, "Go back to bed" He huffs and crosses his arms. 
"No" He says before following me into the kitchen and grabbing food the other guys left out for us. Wait. 
"Shit!" I shout and look in the sitting room. "Uh... hi.... guys" I say awkwardly and wave. They all start ridiculously laughing. Lev walks up next to me before sighing and walking back into the kitchen and sitting on the island. I follow and he pulls out his phone. 

He looks through and nearly spits his coffee out. "Hey, what's wrong?" He smacks his head off the table and I jump. 
"Hey! Don't do that!" I say pulling his head off the table. "What's wrong?" I ask and he passes me his phone. I stare down at what I assume is social media and flick through until I come across a post. 
"CrazyScientist36?" I ask and Lev looks up. "Shitty glasses" I nod and read the post. 

My FrIeNdS ArE GaY! CuTE! Eren and Levi (+LeviAckerman)

I stare down at the image under and see a picture of me and Levi in the swinging seat kissing and then a photo of him in my lap. I groan before flicking through and seeing a photo of me and Lev in bED!? "WHAT THE HELL! THAT'S PRIVATE!"
Lev  groans and stands up. 
"Too right it is, come on" He says standing up and walking through the sitting room. 
"Shitty Glasses what the hell?!" He shouts and Hanji nearly jumps out of her skin. 
"Hanji!" I shout and she looks at me. "Take the post down, NOW!" I shout and she looks at me shocked and confused probably because I never get angry or shouty. 
Lev turns to me and takes his phone before showing Hanji, "Um, explain?!!" She chuckles nervously. 
"So lev.... you see... I'm not passing blame but Erwin brought drinks and hid them so we all got drunk and that happened!" She shouts really quick pointing at Erwin. Lev sighs and rubs his forehead. 
"You know what," He sighs "Just take it down okay? It's too early for this shit" He groans before sitting on the couch and turning the television on. I sit next to him and we all eat our breakfast. 

"Wait, where Azul?" I say frantically looking around. I turn to see Sasha lying on the floor with Azul lying on her stomach. I smile slightly and feel a nip. I turn to see Levi scowling at the window, I roll my eyes and walk over before picking Azul up. 
"I'm going to get ready" I say and walk upstairs to Levs bedroom. I put Azul down and she jumps on the bed where I'm laying out my clothes. She meows and pushes into my hand. I  stroke her for a while before taking the tracksuit bottoms off and swapping them for the trousers I wore yesterday, i do realise Lev is going to end up shouting at me because it's not sanitary but I'll change when i get home i look around to see my top in missing. I bend over and look under the bed and stand back up when arms snake around my waist. I lift an arm and look behind to see Levi. 
"They are giving me a headache" He whines before digging his head in my back. I chuckle and unwrap his arms. "Do you have my shirt?" I say turning around to see him WEARING my shirt. 
"Lev as much as you look fucking adorable give me my shirt back" He smirks and hugs himself so i can't take it. 
"No, this shirt doesn't suit you" He says and i roll my eyes.
"I don't have another shirt" 
"Exactly" He smirks and my eyes go wide. Since when did he get this confident around me?? I smirk and wrap my arms around his waist and grip his sides. His eyes widen as he realises and he tries to take my shirt off. 
"Here," He says but i start tickling his sides and he drops to the ground and i manage to get my shirt before standing up. 
"That's not fair Eren" He huffs then tries to tickle my sides. There's only one place I'm ticklish on my body but that isn't my sides. I just put my shirt on and he moves his hands. 
"You aren't ticklish?" He asks and I shake my head. He huffs. 
"Well" I say and turn around me.
"One place on me is but that's a secret~" I say before picking Azul up. He glares and puts his shirt on and a pair of black jeans. 

"Do you want to go out later?" I say turning to Levi. He turn around and shrugs, "Where?" I shrug, 
"I'm not sure, maybe... OH! I know, but it's outside, so wear something warm. I'll pick you up later tonight?" He shakes his head. I whine and look at him. 
"I have to look after Mikasa" He says. 
"When does she get back?" I ask and he shrugs,
"Probably around 5" He says and i nod. 
"I can get someone to watch her" I say and he huffs. 
"Fine, but I don't like surprises so just tell me" He says unamused and turns to me. 
"No! I like surprises so... No, just don't eat supper okay?" I smile and he rolls his eyes and nods. I sigh and look at him. Why doesn't he smile? Is there any sort of reason. His eye soften and he walks over to me and grabs my hand. 
"What's wrong?" 
"What's the reason behind your expressions?" I say and he looks at me confused. 
"You aren't just normally like this from birth, every child smiles, what's the actual reason, Has something happened?" I say determined to find out. 
"Its... nothing" He says and walks out. I grab his arm. 
"What is it, I can help" I say and he sighs. 
"Kenny," He says and i nod sitting down. He joins me and crosses his legs on the bed. 
"I had two friends when i was younger, one called Farlan, and another called Isabel" I nod and motion for him to go on. 
"It was around the time my mother had got ill, he was nearly at the peak of his anger, he found out i had them. At the time they were the ones who got my through my worry, the only people at the time to help me smile. Kenny said that the reason she was ill was my fault and that he wanted to save anyone who came near me from similar fate. He came to the house when they were over and dragged them out of my house by their hair. He threatened to kill them, if i went near them again. But, i didn't believe him. I went to school the next day and met up with them but they blanked me. They turned their backs to me and walked away.  I shouted at them and i eventually got them to turn around. They said they didn't want to be friends with me and live as miserably as i do. That hurt, they didn't say sorry, or say they wished they could stay... They just said they didn't want to be miserable like me. So, every thing they ever done to make me smile i forgot about because what's the point anymore Eren? What's the point in showing any sort of happy emotion when there is nothing to be happy about. Its a daily reminder about how miserable and scared I am of loosing myself and others. My mother died and Kenny was as angry at me as always. He used to punch me every time he saw me, called me a murderer then left, there. Eren, that's why" 
He stood up and went to walk away but i jump up and pull him into an embrace before whispering. 
"It's okay, everything is alright now, take a look around Lev, all these people here for you. For you Lev, nobody else, we all love you. Well, not as much as me but we do. His head lifts up. 
 "Thanks Eren" He says and I smile. 
"I'll see you later then, wear something warm" I say
"Is it a date?" He asks going red. I smirk. 
"Of course" I chuckle and run my fingers through his hair. He hums and i chuckle. He's exactly like a kitten.

"Well, ill see you tonight, ill bring someone over to watch Mika" I say unwrapping my arms around him and grabbing Azul. He huffs but nods and I walk down the stairs and grab my hoodie from the couch. 
"Eren, are you going?" I turn to see Marco and Erwin looking at me. I smile and nod. Everyone groans,
"Sorry, I have stuff to do today" Lev walks down the stairs. He turns to me and smirks. I tilt my head and look to see he has Azul. I look down in my hands to see a small bear. 
"What the hell?!" I shout and people look at me. 
"How did you do that?! Give her back" I say and he clicks his tongue before handing her over. I put her in the pocket of my hoodie and she purrs. I walk over and grab my phone. 

"It was really nice meeting you guys" I smile ad everyone nods and agrees. I walk over to Lev and kiss his cheek. 
"I'll see you later on kay?" I say and he nods. I smile and walk out of the house. The house erupts in noise and i chuckle before walking away. 
I'm excited for tonight but I can't help but have a bad feeling in my stomach

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