Chapter 9- Butterflies

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Me and armin leave the cafe and on way out I manage to lock eyes with levi once again. His wierd feeling in my tummy confuses the hell out of me. It's making me feel uneasy around him. I smile at him to break the awkward eye contact and he just nods and looks back at mikasa how is now being cleaned from all the crumbs on her face. That kid is too cute. Eren... eren?
"EREN" I snap back to reality and see armin infront of my face. I feel heat run up my face and rub the back of my neck.
"Yes?" He huffs and rolls his eyes.
"Eren just ask him out"
"WHAT, WHO?" I know exactly who he means but I'm not going to admit it.
"Levi dumbass he's all you're ever looking at" He says grabbing my arms and walking away from the coffee shop.
"And it's so obvious aswell! You may as well have a tattoo across your forehead saying 'I'm completely obsessed with levi' and it wouldn't be as creepy!" I slap the back of his head and he giggles.
"Hey armin?" He looks at me.
"Shut the fuck up if you want me to make you vanilla pancakes ever again" He instantly goes quiet.

Armin arlert... weakness= vanilla pancakes

I chuckle and we start walking down the street.
"Seriously though" I groan at him and face him.
"How do you feel about him, tell meee" I huff.
"I don't know he makes me feel wierd" I see armin smirk and quickly hide it.
"How so?"
"I don't know, it's like that feeling right before you get important news and you know it's good but you're still nervous"
"Okay... so you like him?" I shake my head.
"No I don't... I think I'm just curious of him" Armin whines.
"No you like him!" I stare at him.
"What's up with you?" I say glaring.
"Is think yous would be so cute together"
"And there it is, the real reason" He huffs and I giggle.
"Sorry to burst your bubble armin but I don't like him" He groans and we reach his house he says goodbye and I walk down a few streets to mine. Unlocking the door I realise I left my phone here this morning.

I grab it and see 2 missed calls and 1 new message. The calls were just from dad asking how I was doing and if I was eating well etc. The new message was from a number that wasn't saved.

Uh who is this?

I sit on my bed waiting for a reply and I get one soon after the message is sent.

Uh who are you? I was slipped this number earlier and had no clue who it was. I kinda wanted an explanation.
Oh well my names eren, I didn't slip anyone a number so maybe the wrong number?
Oh it's you, mermaid guy right?
Uh yeah it is, still who are you?
It's levi

The two words make my stomach start to do that wierd thing again as I subconsciously text back.

Oh hi levi! So someone slipped you this number?
Yeah some horse looking guy, cashier I think?
Yeah he's a cashier he was talking with armin earlier

Wait.... armin... for fucks sake!

Oh... blonde guy? But why would I get your number?

Oh I have a few ideas

No clue...
Anyway sorry about that do you want me to delete the number?
I mean you can keep it if you want but I don't mind
Okay.... stupid brat
Brat?? Meanie!
"Meanie" are you okay? I knew you were childish but damn
Okay okay I'll stop
Nah its fine it's cute

All words escape me in this situation. How do I respond to being called cute??!? I uh help me ahhh.


Really eren.... Real creative. Respond with haha and make the conversation so awkward.
Ugh I'll just say I've got to be somewhere.

Okay sorry to cut this short have to go meet a friend now nice talking to you ^^
Yeah okay brat I guess it was alright talking to you too
Excuse me?
Nothing Baiiii

I let out a breath that I didn't even know i was holding in. What is actually wrong with me. I walk around the house trying to figure out something to do. Ugh well the house is a mess. I guess I should clean.

I walk up to my cleaning cupboard and grab supplies and turn to look at me house.

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