Chapter 23- Levi? Why was Mr Eren's-

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"Mr Erennnn, why is the bag moving" Mikasa says and i smile. 
"Oh do you want to meet my kitten?" Her eyes go wide. "You've got a kitten!?" I smile and nod. She claps her hands and jumps on the couch. I take my things of Levi. "Hope you don't mind me being here" He shrugs and shakes his head.
"I don't mind, you aren't a nuisance like the others are" I chuckle before taking the still warm tea and handing it to him. He eyes me up suspiciously. 
"It's tea, i bought myself coffee so i picked you some up" 
"Oh thanks?" He says and takes a sip. "Oh damn this is good" I chuckle when he drinks more of it sitting on the couch. 
"Okay Mikasa~ Close your eyes~" I sing and she squeals before closing her eyes tight. I pick Azul up and she meows at me. I see Mikasa not being able to sit still and Levi chuckles before i walk over to her. I place Azul on the couch and put Mikasa's arms in a certain position to be able to hold Azul. "Yeah keep your hands like that, are you ready to meet her?" she squeals and nods. I pick up Azul and carefully put her in Mika's arms. 
"Okay, open your eyes" Mikasa opens her eyes and stares in awe at the kitten staring back at her. She reaches to stroke her head and Azul pushes back into her hand.
"Mr Eren she's adorable!" She giggles and strokes her more. I nod and turn to Levi smiling. He  nods as well and i take a seat next to him. 
"Mikasa why don't you take Azul in the garden, we have a fence so she can't run away" (A/N Fanfic logic okay?)

Mikasa nods and gently picks her up and starts talking to her. When she shuts the back door Lev  sighs and falls against the back of the couch. "Long day?" I turn to him and he nods. 
"So many people rang us today, people from Mikasa's school, my old work, people even knocked on the door!" He complains and i chuckle. 
"Well it IS her birthday" I laugh and he nods. 
"Not to mention more people are going to be here later" I nod and lie back with him. 
"Has she been excited all day?" He nods and turns to lock eyes with me.
"I can't wait to see her face when all her friends come around. I've even organised for her to spend the night with her best friend Annie too." I smile.
"You are a great brother you know?" He looks at me confused and i sigh.
"I wish you were my brother, my parents never done anything like that for me, my mum would have but unfortunately she was never around" He nods. 
"But if i was your brother then that would make things petty awkward between us don't you think? I'm not really a fan of incest" He chuckles and my mind goes blank. I look at him confused and he rolls his eyes. OH! Wait i get it!
"OH!"I say laughing and he sighs.
"God you're slow" I pout.
"Am not" 
"Are too"

"Am not!"
"Fine you 'aren't" 
"Levi i can feel the sarcasm" 

We sit there talking about some random stuff and by the time we finish i didn't even realise Levi somehow ended up on my lap with his arms round my neck leaning back while talking. I smile at him and i swear i see his lips twitch for a second before returning back to the normal gaze. No!
I sigh and Levi looks at me weird. "What?" 
"Can you just smile? Like just once" He chuckles,
"Well i need a reason to smile" He says.
"Am i not enough?" I roll my eyes. He chuckles before stroking my hair.
"You are, but i need a better reason" I put a hand over my heart.
"Wow Levi that hurt." I see his eyes quickly dart down to mine to check i was joking and when he gets his answer he smirks.
"Yeah well get thinking" I roll my eyes and kiss Levi's forehead.
"Well you have terrible aim" He smirks.  I roll my eyes before dipping my head down to his lips in a simple sweet kiss. I pull away but Levi moves a hand behind my head and doesn't let me. I deepen the kiss giving up from his hold and I smirk into the kiss. I open my eyes and see his cheeks are flushed red and i can feel that mine aren't. Heh. I try to get permission but he keeps his mouth closed. I grab his ear but he still doesn't budge. What am i supposed to do? I run my hands up his chest and he just smirks. I pull away. 
"Why are you so difficult?" He chuckles. 
"Shut up and kiss me" I don't complain and go back to kissing him. I ask for entrance again and he still doesn't open his mouth. I try to open my mouth but he bites my tongue, not hard, but like a warning. I huff and continue to try and find a way. I suddenly feel myself smirking and run my hand down his back slowly, why isn't he laughing? Was it a certain part? 
Levi... you leave me no choice.
I run my hand down to his behind and cup my hands firmly making his gasp and jump slightly. I take this opportunity. Hah, i win. Our tongues battle for dominance and Levi nearly wins but i bite his tongue in revenge and i win. We stay like that for a while until we both pull away for air.

"Levi?" I turn to see Mikasa looking confused holding Azul. Levi jumps off me panting and looks at her wide eyed. "Why was Mr Eren's tongue in your mouth?" I feel my face heat up. "I uh" Levi struggles for words. I would save him if i could but i can't think of anything. "Mikasa how's Azul" Levi asks. Mikasa smiles. "She's doing great! I think she likes me Mr Eren!" She giggles. 
"You can call me Eren you know" I chuckle and she nods. "Okay" Levi look at me embarrassed an red. 
"Mikasa! I have your birthday gifts!" I say changing the subject. She runs up to the couch and sits. "YAY!" Azul sits next to her and I hand her the small bag. I pet Azul and Levi sits next to Mikasa obviously trying to seem interested for our sake. Her eyes go wide when she takes out the jar of glittery shells and stuff. 
"Eren! Did you get these from the sea!? THEY LOOK MAGICAL!" I chuckle as she stares and turns the glass looking at them all.
"Only the best  for you Mika" She smiles and hugs me. 
"There's one more thing" Her eyes go wide as she digs through the bag and spots the small box. She opens it and takes out the small necklaces inside.

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