Chapter 3- Shows

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Vrrrrrrr beep beep Vrrrrrrr

"Oh for gods sake shut the hell up!"
I sit up in my bed to my phone going off. I end the call off armin whos presumably ringing to make sure I come into work on time. I can't be late today. I've got an outdoor show with Armin and a few other sea creatures. Like you know when you go to sea world or marine land and they have the dolphin shows, yeah me and armin take part in those with the dolphins and speak to the crowds and stuff. It's so much fun because if we grab a hold of a dolphin we jump with them. Honestly this is my favourite part of the week. We normally have a special act. I think this week we are taking someone out the audience and having them on a boat in the pool. That should be fun!

I finally gather the courage to get out of bed and head downstairs. I just grab some coffee and an apple since this job needs me to keep fit. Damn you all ahah. I turn on the television for a while as I have 10 minutes before I have to leave for work. My wind wanders back to the people I saw yesterday. The little girl and that man. Why can't I make him smile. Obviously he has no heart. But the little girl who was with him was the cutest. She seemed to like me. I wonder if they'll come back to me. I mean I already decided that for them. But he could easily say no.

Is he her father? Probably.. I mean he didnt really look old enough to be her father. Maybe a brother? I don't know but he had these piercing grey eyes. A tint of blue. But not much. He had no facial expression. But that just interested me, how do I change his face?? I want to see smiles not frowns god... his hair was great thou-

Beep beep

Holy shit 10 minutes went past fast but okay let's get going! I'm so excited! I practically run out of the door and I see armin. He waves. "Hey eren, on time this morning? Ahah" I sigh and glare at him.
"Haha. Funny." I was about to lock the door.
"2 words, eye drops" I turn to him and point.
"6 words, what would I do without you?" I run back inside and grab a small bag on the table with my contacts for outside of the pool and my eye drops for inside the pool. I get back outside and armin smiles.
"You excited?! BECAUSE I AM" He says nearly leaping off the floor.
Another reason why armin is an anime chick.
I ruffle his hair and nod.
"Yeah I'm really excited" I say keeping my cool so I don't look as wierd as armin right now.

We start walking when we see the little girl and the man walking in the same direction on the other side of the road. What is she going to think?! I grab armins arm and drag him into an alley. "Woah eren what the hell"
"That little girl saw me yesterday!!" He nods.
"Yes eren most little kids have seen you. You work in an aquarium as a mermaid!" He says sarcastically.
"No she's coming back to see me again she can't see me like this" I say gesturing to my legs. He sighs and rubs his temples.
"Eren, we are already behind we need to get to the aquarium now" He says. I look around...
"Is there any other way to go?" He sighs and nods.
"Yes but we'll have to run" I smile.
"Armin you're the best" He nods and sends me a heartwarming smile. He starts running in a direction.
"Hey! Armin wait up!" I run after him. God this boy might seem weak but holy hell can he run.
(A/N Totally not related but shinzo wo sasageyo just started playing in my ears help I'm screaming it in my house XD SASAGEYO SASAGEYO SHINZO WO SASAGEYO)

After I catch up with Armin we've ran for 10 minutes and I can't breathe.
"Armin... holy *breathe* hell can you *cough* slow down for once?" He giggles.




I hit the back of his head and we walk inside to be greeted by hanji and Erwin. "Hey" me and armin say in unison.
We walk around the back into the changing rooms Sasha with our tails. Sasha is the one who talks outside when we are swimming. She's always really enthusiastic and tells the audience all about the animals
We help with the talking when we are introduced half way through the show. Me and armin head into a stall and get changed into shorts as we can't get out tails on yet. We walk out and Sasha puts contour on my *cough* toned *cough* ahem what.. chest and little touch ups which I don't get since we are going to be swimming but whatever. He doors open in 30 minutes which gives us some time to get to the outside pool and set everything up. We have 5 shows today, all the same just at different times. First one starts at 10 giving us an hour in our normal tank before going outside.

Every worker has their own seating area in the audience for family and friends but nobody ever comes and watches me or armin so the front row seats are always empty. Sometimes they are used if we bring up a kid their family normally sits in front row so they can see their child a little better. Come to think of it we still need to pick a kid once the doors open. Speak to their parents before hand and stuff. But anyway we head out to the pool outside and set up some mics and waterproof ones for us to wear when we talk and stuff. Well I guess it's back to out normal pool for now.

(A/N I know these get annoying but this one is important! I've been to marine land in mallorca and the dolphin show pool is what I'm imagining right now so I wanted to show a picture for correlation to something.

(A/N I know these get annoying but this one is important! I've been to marine land in mallorca and the dolphin show pool is what I'm imagining right now so I wanted to show a picture for correlation to something

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I was in the audience a few seats from the splash zone so my view pretty much looked like this. But yeah this is what to imagine when I talk about the pool -Peace✌)

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