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~Touma's POV~

My mother and father are fighting. I don't know why though. I peeked downstairs to see my mother's stuff packed. She's yelling at father and father is yelling back also.

Father: I can't believe you!! You cheated on me!
Mother: Shut up! I don't care! You don't pay attention to me anymore except for that brat!
I quickly hid as she pointed up the stairs.
Father: Brat! He's our son you heartless woman! Of course I would pay attention to him! He's our child!
Mother: I don't care anymore, I'm leaving!
Mother grabs her stuff .
Father: Fine! Leave, I don't need a women like you anymore.
They both glare at each other and walked away. Mother walked through the door and slammed it. Father sighs in frustration. He saw me peeking and waved me to go downstairs. I followed his orders and walked down, standing in front of father.

Touma: Father, where's mother going?
Father sighs and kneels down to me.
Father: Your mother will not be living here anymore. She has done something that I can never forgive. I'm sorry if you don't see her again. I saw his sadden expression, I don't understand a lot but I can tell that father is feeling pain.

I hugged my father, which must've shocked him with his expression he has.
Touma: It's okay Father, if mother done something bad that made her leave. I'm fine with just you. I never want to see you sad father.
Father smiles and hugs me back tightly.
Father: Thank you for understanding my son. I'll take care of you the best I can.
Father smiles and pats my head.
Father: Why don't we go out for ice cream? There's a stand in a park.
Touma: Yeah! Let's go!

Father took me to the park. He told me to play with the other kids while he gets ice cream. As I was walking to the swings, I saw a boy bruised and he was crying very hard. I quickly ran up to him.
Touma: Are you okay!?
?: Hiieeeeee!!!
He flinched back once I touched him. He's trembling and has tears in the corner of his eyes.
Touma: What's wrong? You're crying.
?: Y-You're not gonna h-hurt me?
Touma: Of course not! Why would I? You did nothing wrong.
?: B-But I'm...
Touma: You're what?
He whispers in a quiet voice.
?: Dame and have no friends. No one wants to be my friend.... (Dame means: No good)
Touma: You are not Dame! No one is! You are perfect the way you are. I'm Miura Touma and I'll be your first friend as you'll be mine too. And you are?
I took out my hand to shake his. The boy looks shock and then cries in happiness. He wipes his tears and shows me the cutest smile ever.

?: Sawada Tsunayoshi! Y-You can call me Tsuna!

?: Sawada Tsunayoshi! Y-You can call me Tsuna!

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Touma: Okay Tsuna! Call me Touma.
Tsuna: O-Okay! Do you want to play?
Touma: Yeah! Let's play!
We both played together and we were having fun. I saw my father coming over and waved.
Touma: Father! I made a friend.
Father: Really?
My father stared at Tsuna and he shrinks a little.
Touma: What's wrong Tsuna?
Tsuna: Y-Your dad looks a little s-scary.
Father: Sorry about my appearance kid. I just can't help it.
My father shrugs and hands me two ice creams.
Father: One for you and your new friend.
I smile in happiness.
Touma: Thank you father! Here Tsuna!
Tsuna takes one and we started chatting and eating together. We didn't notice someone talking to father.

~Mikoto's POV~

I was watching my son eating ice cream with his friend. I can't help that kid looks familiar.
?: Hey Mikoto! Long time no see.
I turn around to see a familiar face.
Mikoto: Iemitsu? Why are you-?
Iemitsu: I came here to comfort my son but it seems your child already did.
So that's why that kid looks familiar. Idiot Iemitsu keeps showing me his baby pictures of his son, it was super annoying.
Mikoto: They're getting along just fine.
Iemitsu: Yeah, Where Satsuki? Is she here?
Mikoto: I'm divorcing her. She cheated on me.
Iemitsu looks at me in a surprise face. He pats my shoulder.
Iemitsu: I'm sorry man. I hope you get a better relationship.
I sigh and continue looking at the children.
Mikoto: I rather pause my love life for now. I want to focus on Touma only right now. He's gonna have no mother now until I decide to have one. How's Nana?
Iemitsu: She's doing great. You should visit us since my Tuna fish is getting along with your son!
Mikoto: I guess, Nana's cooking is delicious. Touma could play with Tsuna more.

As we were watching our children, Iemitsu suddenly brought up the topic of Vongola.
Iemitsu: You know, my son is going to be the next generation boss.
I looked at him surprisingly.
Mikoto: That child? I do see the pure flames but...
Iemitsu: He'll be a great boss and I hope your son joins in. I feel his flames too, he's a special one alright. Train him if he ever asked you.
Mikoto: Of course I will.
We were in comfortable silence until I decided to speak again.
Mikoto: Iemitsu, If anything happens to me....take care of Touma for me.
Iemitsu nods of my request.

Mikoto: It's getting dark, I'll take your offer to visit Nana tonight.
Iemitsu: She'll be happy to see you again and she'll be even more excited to see Touma.
Iemitsu walks up to the children.
Iemitsu: Let's go home Tsuna and you too Touma.
Touma: How did you know my name?
Iemitsu: I'm a friend of your father. Your father says you can play with Tsuna at his house.
They both look at each other excitingly and hugged each other.
Both: Yay! Let's go.
We all walk to Iemitsu house to have dinner.

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