Chapter 8: The Carnivorous Skylark

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~Touma's POV~

I heard an interesting story from Tsuna yesterday. I was sick so I didn't go to school. He was apparently assisted by my cousin Haru.

 He was apparently assisted by my cousin Haru

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She has a.....unique personality but I love her. I visit her at times to eat dinner with their family. Now today, I got up early for the meeting I need to go to, which is 5am. All the clubs will talk where our new rooms will be as some of us will change from last years.

As I got to the room where the meeting is, I saw Kyoya and Kusakabe. Kyoya was leaning against the wall while yawning and Kusakabe was standing next to him.
Touma: Morning Kyoya~! Kusakabe~!
Kyoya: Carnivore.
Kusakabe: Good morning Miura-sama.
I walked next to them as we stand next to each other in comfortable silence while waiting for the other clubs to be here.
Kyoya: Are you alright today?
Touma: *gasps* Kyoya being concerned!? Must be the end of the world...
I dodge the swing of his tonfas.
Touma: Yeah, my fever has gone down and I feel better.
Kyoya: Hn, then you should be able to finish your doubled paperwork today.
Touma: Doubled!?
Kusakabe: Since you were sick yesterday, there was no one to entertain Hibari-sama. So he made quite a lot of damage yesterday to the students and as punishment for not being here, you fill out the paperwork he caused.
Touma: Ugh! I'll never get sick again!

The door swings open to reveal some students. The room starts being filled in and we continue to be silent. Once the room filled in with what I assume is the presidents of the clubs we're meeting up with. I saw Ryohei and we greet each other.
Ryohei: TOUMA!! HOW ARE YOU?!!
Touma: Inside voice please Ryohei. I'm doing fine, I keep forgetting you're the president of the boxing club.
Ryohei: Join my club Touma!! You're a great fighter!!! You too Hibari!!
Hibari: Herbivore...
Touma: Please lower your volume, or else Kyoya will kill you.
Ryohei: Okay.
Student council president: Okay, the meeting between club presidents will start now, please take a seat.

(Student Council President)

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(Student Council President)

I sat down next to Kyoya as Kusakabe sat on his other side. Ryohei is next to me as well.
SCP: So, the only thing we're talking about today is our club room arrangement. I think we should stay the same but I heard some of you want a change.
A large student stands up.
Karate President: I want our area to replace the boxing club's. They should move somewhere else, they're useless to our school anyways.
Ryohei: Hey! We need that gym! Where else will we go to practice!?
KP: There's a small classroom in the abandon part of school. A useless club like you should stay there.
Ryohei: You-!
SCP: Calm down Sasagawa-san. I need a legitimate reason for you moving there.
KP: We need more space and they don't deserve it.
Touma: I disagree.
KP: Huh! What the hell did you say!?
Touma: The Karate club has enough space for you and your other members. You're being too greedy for your own good to ask for more space. Plus, your damn club hasn't won since three years ago. Also, you lost at the championship so I don't think you deserve it.
KP: You son of a-!!
Karate Vice President: President!! You shouldn't provoke him!
KP: Tch, why not?!
KVP: H-He's Miura Touma! The second best fighter in Namimori.
He hasn't seen me before? What kind of rock did he live under?

He backed down after his vp told him my position. Another student stood up.
GP: I'm the president of the gardening club and I demand that we get the reception room than those delinquents!
He pointed at us and Kusakabe stood up in anger.
Kusakabe: Don't you dare speak to Hibari-sama like that!!
GP: I don't care who you are! We deserve a better room. Who do you think that you deserve the best room out of this whole school!?
SCP: Be quiet please.
GP: Not until they switch out!
Touma: *sighs*

I got up from my seat.
Touma: Come one Ryohei, Kusakabe and Prez, you don't want to deal with Kyoya's wrath.
They immediately went out the door and the others from the clubs too except for one unlucky soul.
Hibari: I'll bite you to death.
GP: Aaaaahh!!!
Girlish screams filled out the halls.
Touma: That poor soul.

After that event in the morning, I was doing some patrolling outside of the school. I caught some students sneaking out but other than that, it's been boring all day.
Touma: Is there nothing exciting to do~?
Suddenly, there was a huge explosion at the reception room area.
Touma: Explosion equals Gokudera, Gokudera equals chaos and chaos equals entertainment~! Let's go over there!
I speed walk towards the sounds of explosions.
Touma: Hm..., it's coming from the reception room I think. This is the hallway I usually walk through to get there.
As I expected, the sounds of chaos is coming through the reception room.
Touma: Are they fighting? They should know that this is where the disciplinary committee is.
I walked in to see something unexpected. I see Tsuna in his underwear, who smacked Kyoya on the head with a slipper and then was immediately took down by Kyoya.
Hibari: For ruining the peace, I'll bite you to death.
Tsuna: Hiiieeee!!!
Touma: Kyoya~!
He immediately turns towards me with an annoyed scowl.
Hibari: Touma.....
Touma: Don't kill my little tuna fish here okay. You don't want someone like him to be dead, he has potential to spar with you.
Hibari: I doubt the small herbivore could fight.
Touma: He hit you with a slipper.
Hibari: Never speak of that.

I felt weight on my shoulder and heard a familiar voice.
Reborn: Ciaossu Hibari~!
Kyoya: A infants aloud.
Hibari immediately swung towards me, I stood still as I knew he's not reckless to hit my face. Reborn jumped out the away in a blink of an eye and landed on the window, which was open for some reason.
Hibari: Wow, a carnivore. Fight me.
Reborn: I'll fight you soon if you spare my student and his friends on the floor.
Hibari:.........Fine. Take them and leave this room.
Reborn: Gladly~!
I didn't know how he manage to pick up Tsuna, Gokudera and Yamamoto but he amazingly did as they were gone in the room when I blinked.
Touma: Wow, this room is a mess.
Hibari: Clean it up.
Touma: I'm not your maid! You're the one who destroyed the room!
Hibari: I'll triple the paperwork.
Touma: Tch, fine! Why are you so mean to me today~!?
Hibari: No reason to answer you.
Touma: I guess I'll clean but at least help me with paperwork, you barley do anything.
Hibari:.....Fine, but after you clean up.
Touma: Okay, thanks Kyoya~! I love you~!
Hibari: .....start cleaning.
Touma: Okay, jeez. I will~!
I cleaned up the room as Hibari layers on the couch. I didn't notice the change of expression he had on his face.


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