*Special Chapter* Vongola Valentines

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A/N: Sorry that I haven't been updating, I've been busy with life but I'm not dead yet! Please enjoy and I'll try to update soon. Also, later there will be a valentines chapter from the actual plot from the anime so imagine that they're in high school for this special.

~Touma's POV~

It was a beautiful morning full of annoying screams and the smell of chocolate in the air.
Girl 1: Yamamoto!! Take my chocolate!
Girl 2: Gokudera-kun, here's my love letter!
Girl 3: Take my love!!
Touma: Wow, this is worst than last year.
Tsuna: With Gokudera here, the fangirls doubled.
Boy 1: Kyoko-chan!
Boy 2: Did you make any chocolates?!
Boy 3: You look very pretty today.
Kyoko: Thank you!
Tsuna looks depressed as he watches Kyoko being smothered.
Touma: What's wrong this time Tsuna?
Tsuna: Kyoko-chan is being surrounded by boys, I hoped that she would give me some chocolate.
Touma: I heard from Haru that she made a lot to give out, so don't worry about it.
Tsuna: Thanks...

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see a female student.
Touma: Yes?
Girl: T-Touma-senpai...u-um here!!
She shoved some chocolates into my hands and ran away.
Touma: I can't believe I still get chocolates.
Tsuna: Well, you're pretty popular with the females, even though you're taken.
?: T-Tsuna!
Tsuna: Ah, Enma-kun!

(If you don't know Enma, you should continue reading the manga)

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(If you don't know Enma, you should continue reading the manga)

Enma: Ah! M-Miura-san! G-Good morning...
Enma bows in a rapid motion. Enma is still shy around me but I hope he opens up to me.
Touma: Morning Enma, right now it's really loud and crowded so I hope Kyoya doesn't kill them when he gets here.
Enma: I-I can see that.
We backed away from the circle forming around the two popular boys.
Gokudera: Stay back! I have to greet Juudaime!!
Girl: But Gokudera-kun~! Let's hang out later~!
She grabbed his arm but sudden it was thrown off of his arm.
Yamamoto: Haha, sorry ladies~ We have to meet our friends.
Yamamoto dragged Gokudera out of the crowd and walked towards us.
Touma: Soooo, How was your morning~?
Gokudera: Shut up Fan Freak! You know we're exhausted after that!
Yamamoto: Now now Hayato, don't be so grumpy~!
Gokudera: Sh-Shut up baseball freak! Let's just go to class! Come on Juudaime!
Gokudera grabbed Tsuna and Yamamoto inside the school while Enma follows them.
Touma: I'm impressed that Reborn hacked the system to have them in class together.
There were still students gathered in front of the school so I had to do my actual job now.
Touma: All of you, get to class!! Do you want me to get Hibari.

Without a word they ran to class.
Touma: Ugh, Valentine's Day is such a pain to deal with.
Hibari: Why are you still out here?
Touma: Kyoya~!
I ran towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck.
Hibari: Touma...
Touma: Happy Valentine's Day! I made your favorite food for lunch.
Hibari: ...Hamburger steak...
Touma: Yep! We could eat it together once lunch starts! Right now let's patrol together.
He nods and then he suddenly glares. I look towards the direction he's glaring at and I see that he's looking at the chocolates in my hand.
Hibari: ...
Touma: Oh, this is some chocolates that a female student gave me.
Hibari: Why are they still after you?
Touma: Come on~ who wouldn't like this face~!
Kyoya said nothing and grabbed the chocolates out of my hands.
Kyoya: Tetsuya, throw this away.
Kusakabe showed up out of no where and took the chocolates.
Kusakabe: Right away Kyo-sama.
Touma: Whaaat.....come on Kyoya, it's just chocolates! I still love you~
Kyoya: Get rid of more gifts given to Touma.
Kusakabe: Hai.
He quickly ran away, leaving us alone again.
Touma: They were beautifully gifted too. Are you jealous~?
I boop his nose playfully but he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him, our chest and nose touching each other.
Hibari: What if I am?
I blushed and placed my head on his chest.
Touma: Don't say embarrassing things.
He let's go of my hand and wraps his arms around my waist.
Hibari: Reception room.
Touma: Go to the reception room? Oooh, are you skipping duty~?
Hibari: Tetsuya can handle it. Let's go.
Kyoya grabbed my hand and we started walking to the reception room. Once we got there, he closed the door and dragged me to the couch.
Touma: Oh, are we cuddling while sleeping?
He laid down on the couch and I followed. I laid on top of him and wrapped myself around him.

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