Chapter 12: Be quiet in the Hospital

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~Touma's POV~

Touma: *sighs* Why do I have to visit him?
   I was carrying food in my hand while walking to the hospital.


   I got a call from Kusakabe early in the morning, I was still sleeping and it was before school started. I picked it up anyways and answered tiredly.
Touma: *yawns* What is it Kusakabe?
Kusakabe: Hibari-sama is in the hospital.
Touma: What!? Why?!
Kusakabe: He got a cold.
   A cold...? Why is he even in the hospital?
Touma: Why does this concern me? Kyo-chan will be fine without me.
Kusakabe: He wants you to bring him food.
Touma: It's so early....what's wrong with hospital food?
Kusakabe: He doesn't like it and if you don't bring food he'll bite one of the staff to death. You know how he is like when hungry.
   Kyoya gets very violent when he's hungry and he would actually try to kill someone.
Touma: But it's so eaaarly, I have school and why do I have to do it?
Kusakabe: 1, Deal with it; 2. you don't actually care about school and 3, you know Hibari-sama likes your food.
Touma: *sighs* I guess I'll go right now.
Kusakabe: Alright, I'll report this to Hibari-sama. Have a good day.
   He ended the call and I got up from my bed. I glance over at my desk to see a purple scarf.
Touma: I still haven't given it back....I guess today will be a good time.

   I got ready and made his bento.

   Once I finished I went out of my house, to the hospital

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   Once I finished I went out of my house, to the hospital. Once I got there, I went up to the lady at the reception desk.
Touma: Excuse me ma'm~ *smiles*
Lady: *blushes* (He's cute for a young one.) Y-Yes?
Touma: Can you tell me which room is Hibari Kyoya?
Lady: Hibari Kyoya! S-Sir are you sure you want to visit this person? He's quite dangerous.
Touma: I'm 100% sure, now please tell me.
Lady: Um, room 216 and be careful.
Touma: I'll try~!
   I walk till I was at 216 and gently knock.
Touma: Kyoya~
   That screech, Tsuna is here?

   I opened the door to see a scared Tsuna and a calm Kyoya in bed.
Hibari: If you don't quiet down I'll bite you to death herbivore.
Tsuna: S-Sorry.
Touma: Kyoya~! Tsuna~!
Tsuna: Ah! Why are you here Touma!?
Touma: To visit Kyoya.
   I sat down on a chair next to Kyoya.
Touma: I heard you were here too from Nana but she said that I didn't have to visit. I'm also here to give Kyoya food, if I don't give him any he'll bite everyone in the hospital.
Tsuna: Hiee!!
Hibari: You're too loud.
Touma: You're here because you're hurt from your mountain training right?
Tsuna: Y-Yeah...and I was moved many times to different rooms because of our other friends.
Touma: Want me to get you another room? I'm pretty sure you won't survive with Kyoya here.
Tsuna: Yes please!
   I went out and got a nurse in the room.
Touma: Can I get another room for my friend please?
Nurse: In sorry sir, I can't do that.

   I stare at Kyoya and he understood.
Hibari: You owe me. Herbivore, get the other one another room or else I'll bite you to death.
   He got out his tonfa and glared at the nurse. The nurse got frightened and immediately grabbed Tsuna.
Nurse: A-Alright! I'll take him to another room, let's go.
   She gently guided Tsuna out and shuts the door, leaving us alone. I sat back down next to Kyoya and gave him the bento.
Touma: Here, eat up.
Hibari: Feed me.
Touma: W-What!?
   I blush at the sudden request.
Hibari: You owe me.
Touma: Y-You're not that sick! Feed yourself!
Hibari: I'll go bite that herbivore.
Touma: You're so mean.
   I got out the chopsticks and picked up the tempura shrimp. I gently held it towards his mouth.
Touma: Eat.
   He gently bites it and chews. I slowly fed him and it took awhile but he finally finished it.
Touma: Now that I'm done, I have something for you.
Hibari: Hm....
   I grabbed his scarf out of my bag and put it in his hands.
Touma: Your scarf that you gave me, I forgot to give it back so here.
   He throws it back at my face.
Touma: Hey!
Hibari: I don't need it, keep it.
Touma: It's yours! I'm not keeping it.
Hibari: Keep it.
Touma: *sigh* You won't change your mind anyways.
   I was too lazy to put it back so I wrapped it around my neck.
Hibari: I'm going to nap, wake me up and I'll punish you.
Touma: P-Punish! What do you mean by-?
   He fell asleep, making me go quiet. If I get up and open the door, it'll make a noise. Kyoya is a light sleeper so anything can wake him up. My only option is just sitting here.

   I glance around the room, it was plain  obviously, nothing interesting to look at. I glance at his sleeping face and blush, he looks so cute. His sleeping face is very different from his normal one.
Touma: (He looks so calm, should I...)
   I carefully leaned over and gently touched his forehead, it was really warm.
Touma: (I guess he is sick, it seems like he's not though.)
   I realize I was close to his face and blushed even more.
Touma: (I should sit back down.)
   I was about to but there was a sudden rumble of an explosion and Kyoya's eyes are now open.
Touma: Ah! Kyoya! This isn't what it looks like-!
   I was suddenly under Kyoya, one hand holding my arms above my head, the other holding my chin up, making my two different color eyes look at his eyes.
Touma: Oi Kyoya! L-Let go!
   I struggled to get out of his grip, he's too strong. Even though we're almost even in a fight, he's still stronger than me in strength while I have more technique in my fighting skills. He leans in to my ears, enough for me to feel his breath. My heart was beating faster, my ears were turning red along with my face.
Hibari: What did I say if you wake me up? I'll punish you.
Touma: I didn't even-!
   I felt a sudden pain in my ears.
Touma: Ah~!
   Kyoya bit my ear, not enough to bleed but I felt the pain. I felt tingles through my body and I was suddenly blushing and shaking.
Hibari: Oh~ is this a sweet spot?

~3rd Person POV~

   Hibari saw Touma's blushing face and smirked.
Hibari: If I bite you more, will you keep making those faces?
Hibari moves down and slips the scarf off. His lips was now against Touma's exposed neck and bites down, drawing small amounts of blood.
Touma: O-Ow! Nng-
Touma tried to not shout in a hospital, he doesn't want any nurses coming in. Hibari licks the mark he made, making Touma make more noises.
Touma: (Why do I feel like this?) Kyo...ya, s-stop...
Hibari didn't listen and went to the other side of Touma's neck, this time he made a small hickey. Once he was done with the markings, he stared at Touma's face and smirks. He placed his hand on Touma's bright red cheeks.
Hibari: The face you make right now is of a herbivore' makes me feel wild...I'm the only one who gets to see this.
Hibari leans in, his lips hovering over Touma's.
Hibari: You're a carnivore but once you're captured like this, you turn into a herbivore. If anyone else see's you like this, I'll bite them to death. Only I can see this face of a herbivore's, I caught you, now you're MY herbivore.

Hibari lips connected Touma's, Touma tried to fight back but it was useless. He gave up and let Hibari overtake him. Hibari explores every inch of Touma as Touma was out of breath from Hibari's intense kissing. Once Hibari was done, he pulled back from Touma's lips as Touma is now breathless from their intense kiss.
Touma: K-Kyoya...What does this make us? A-Are we..?
Hibari releases Touma's arms and wraps his arms around Touma, embracing him. Touma wraps around Hibari also, feeling the warmth between them.
Hibari: We are lovers, these marks prove it.
He touched the bite marks, making Touma flinch a bit.
Hibari: You're mine now Touma.

Touma blushes and looks away from Hibari. Touma gently grabs Hibari's right hand and places his wrist to his lips. Hibari looks at Touma questioningly but doesn't do anything yet. Touma gently bites Hibari's wrist, making a small hickey.
Touma: *blushes* N-Now you're mine too.
Hibari smirks at Touma's action, Hibari moves next to Touma and hugs him, making Touma's face buried in his chest.
Touma: O-Oi, Kyoya! What if a nurse comes in?
Hibari: They won't disturb us, now sleep.
Touma: Okay...
Touma falls a sleep along with Hibari as they sleep next to each other, holding hands while sleeping as lovers now.

~Next Day~

Touma: Achoo! Look what you did Kyoya!
Touma is stuck at home sick because of his new boyfriend.
Hibari: I'll take care of you.
Touma blushes and hides under his covers. Hibari leans and gently pulls the blanket off, he leans to Touma's ears and kisses it.
Hibari: *whispers* I love you.
Touma was about to explode from embarrassment but whispers back.
Touma: I love you too..


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