Chapter 3: The fight between me and Mochida

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A/N: I'm so sorry everyone~! I was busy with stuff so to make it up, I made a ton of chapters so enjoy! For those who read my Kuroko one, I'm still working on them but don't worry, I'm making tons of chapters for that one too. It takes me a while to write action scenes for their basketball playing so be patient with that. Don't worry, I'm not dead yet, I'm just slow.

~Touma's POV~

I was doing paperwork for Kyoya, again. It mostly consist of delinquents that Kyoya and I beat up and some threat letters but I threw those away. I yawned as I did this all morning, I can leave class whenever I want to like Kyoya but I never want to do paperwork.
Touma: I'm bored~! I wonder how's Tsuna doing.
A small figure shows up from a hatch, in the wall. What the heck is that?
Reborn: Ciaossu Touma~!
Touma: Reborn? What's with the outfit?
Reborn: I want to change my style.
Touma: But you're a potted plant.
I dodge the in coming branch that was about to hit my head. It stabbed through the couch, I have to fix that later.
Reborn: I wanted a more natural look.
Touma: Sure....What brings you here?
Reborn: I'm testing Tsuna to become a mafia boss, he's gaining a new subordinate today.
Touma: And who would that be?
Reborn tossed me a photo and I caught it. I see a male, about the same age as Tsuna. He had silver hair and a very fierce face.
Reborn: He's Gokudera Hayato, also known as the hurricane bomber in the mafia. He's here to take down Tsuna to become the Vongola's next boss.
Touma: Interesting....I'm assuming Tsuna doesn't want to fight him.
Reborn: Correct. Right now, he's having a volleyball match with his class. They're relying on him.
Touma: Why not shoot him with that weird bullet?
Reborn: If he doesn't regret anything than he'll die.
Touma: I see, you should watch over him right now. I still need to finish this pile but I'll watch the fight between Tsuna and Gokudera. Just inform me 5 minutes before the fight.

Reborn nods and vanished. I'm left with paperwork all over the place.
Touma: Ugh, I don't want to do this~!
I see one of our subordinates and immediately got up. I dragged the guy in and made him sat down on the coach.
Subordinate: W-Why am I here Miura-sama?
Touma: I'm quite busy right now so please take care of this for me. Don't worry, if Kyoya comes in, tell him that I allowed you to be in here.
I took a pin from my bag and gave it to the subordinate. It was a small flower pin I had from Kyoya when we were kids.
Touma: Kyoya will recognize the pin, so he'll know it was from me. If you finish, I'll make you lunch.
Subordinate: Miura-sama's legendary bentos! I-I'll do it as fast as I can.
Touma: Thank you~! I'll be back soon so please be done.
I walk out and walked around the school. Reborn will notify me when the fight will happen so I'll just patrol around. I rather patrol for rule-breaking students than boring old paperwork. I suddenly heard a loud noise in a storage room.

~Reborn's POV~

I need to test Touma if he's worthy of being in Vongola. I did the research, if he's the son of Mikoto he should be strong. I need to see it myself if he's the second strongest in Namimori. I see the bald Mochida and smirk.
Reborn: I'll use him.
I quickly did my plan.

~Touma's POV~

Touma: Now who's breaking the rules today~?
I head towards it and lean my ears on the door.
?: Please let me go! I don't have the money!
Mochida: You better fucking give me something! You have a phone right? I'll just sell that and you'll be repaying the debt you owe me.
?: I need my phone, please don't take it!
I can't believe this, that bastard is at it again. I sigh and quickly open the door.
Touma: What the hell are you doing you bastard?
Mochida: Miura!! Tch, why did you have to be here now?!
I grabbed the student out and pushed him away.
Touma: Go to class.
He nods and runs away, leaving behind a pissed off Mochida, his scared lackeys and me.
Mochida: You always ruined my fun Miura. Since I'm pissed off now, I'll take care of your nuisance now!
Touma: Oh really? Fine, let's take this outside. You can bring how many people you want too, I'll beat them all.
Mochida: Get ready to be beat up Miura, I had it with you.
I see Kusakabe, one of Kyoya's loyal subordinates. I nod to him and he understood.
Touma: (Get Kyoya, the fight will get messy on my own.)
Kusakabe: (Alright.)
He runs away before Mochida saw him. We're at the back of the school where the delinquents usually hang out. Mochida brought at least 30 guys with him.
Touma: WOW! Such a party here~! I wonder if you'll be able to stand after we all dance.
I took out my metal fans, which made some of the lackeys flinch.
Mochida: Don't be scared of him! He's not Hibari, he's only second to him! We can beat him, so ready your weapons!
The weapons mostly consists of metal bats, knives and some planks of wood.
Touma: You brought so many people here, I guess it means you're too weak to face me yourself you coward. It wouldn't matter though, I'll knock them all down.
Mochida: Don't fucking underestimate us! Attack!
They all attack at once.
Touma: Fools.
I jump out of the way and they all crashed into each other. I began beating them down, one by one they started to fall. I used the back of my fan to knock them unconscious, I don't want to kill them as they were still students. I blocked their attacks, use my reflexes, kick their ass and at least half of them are down by now.

Touma: Are you still scared Mochida?
Mochida looked at me in fright, suddenly he smirks.
Mochida: I forgot my secret weapon!
He threw something up and suddenly I was blinded by light.
Touma: A flash bomb!
My sight was blurred but I dodge Mochida's attack in time.
Mochida: That didn't work! Time for phase 2.
Suddenly I was surrounded by smoke, it was too late to realize what the smoke was and suddenly I was dizzy. I kneeled on one knee on the ground, suddenly I was kicked in the head.

~Reborn's POV~

I watched the battle before me. Touma is really impressive as he took down half of the enemies so very quickly. But he got off guard with the flash bomb and was kicked down by Mochida.
Reborn: Tch, that was dirty but nothing is fair in the mafia. What would he do now?
Mochida's subordinates grabbed Touma and made him sit still while Mochida was cockily smirking at the weakened Touma.
Touma: You used flashed bombs you bastard. I don't know what you did for the smoke.
Mochida: I don't care, you think the world is fair!?
Mochida pulled out a knife, making the situation more serious. If this keeps going, I might have to stop this. The bastard is too crazy.
Mochida: I'll show you what happens if you mess with me!
Mochida threw the knife at Touma but he moved away in time, leaving a scratch on his cheek, which is bleeding out. The knife hit the arm of the lackeys that held his arms, the guy screamed in pain and Touma kicked him towards Mochida, knocking them down. Touma punches the other guys and quickly took care of the rest of them who just stood there.
Reborn: Impressive, definitely valuable to Vongola. Now to help Dame Tsuna.
I quickly go to the gym, leaving Touma to deal with his mess.

~Touma's POV~

Finally it's over. Everyone was unconscious except for Mochida. My body felt a little weak but I stood up on my feet and glared at the bastard.
Touma: I beat you Mochida, you better stop doing this nonsense or else.
Mochida: Or what? What the hell can you do to me huh!?
Suddenly I saw Kyoya behind him with his murderous aura.
Touma: He'll do something to you.
I point behind him and Mochida froze in place.
Mochida: H-Hibari! I d-didn't do this!
He points at me.
Mochida: It was him! H-He beat us up for no reason! You should punish him!
Touma: Are you gonna believe that bullshit Kyoya?
Hibari: Of course not.
Hibari took out is tonfas.
Hibari: For lying and harming a disciplinary committee member, I'll bite you to death.
Kyoya knocks out Mochida and he faints.

Touma: Good job Kyoya~!
Hibari: Be quiet Carnivore. Kusakabe, take care of them for me.
Kusakabe: You got it boss.
Our subordinates quickly picked up the unconscious bodies and went away, leaving me behind with Kyoya.
Touma: *sighs* I'm tired Kyoya, I'll go to the nurse to patch up the scratch.
I didn't feel anyone coming up in front of me as I felt Kyoya suddenly grabbing my chin and looking at my bloody cheek.
Kyoya: You let the weak herbivore scratch his tiny claws on you.
Touma: He and his group caught me off guard. It's fine as I beat the crap out of them.
I felt something wet on my injured cheek and I quickly backed up.
Touma: K-Kyoya!! Why did you-?!
I stuttered in embarrassment as my face is red like my hair. I see that fucking smirk on his face by my reaction.
Kyoya: Cute.
Touma: C-Cute!
Kyoya: Calm down Carnivore, I was stopping your blood from bleeding. Go to the nurse office, unless you want me to clean more blood.
I quickly run away, not seeing the amusement from his eyes. I got to the nurses office to see Reborn.
Reborn: The match between Gokudera and Tsuna is happening soon.
Touma: O-Okay, let me patch my wound up.
I saw his smug little smirk.
Reborn: I ship it.
Touma: What?
Reborn: Nothing~!


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