Turbulent Waters

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"Raegan, come swim with us!" My friend Hailey yelled at me from the edge of the ocean. I stared at the vast body of water behind her and few of my other new friends.

"Nah, its fine. You go ahead." I yelled back to them, but Hailey wasn't taking no for an answer. She trudged through the sand to up where I was standing.

"You'll feel much better once you cool down. Just come in for 10 minutes then I'll let you sit alone on your towel for the rest of the day." She begged as she took a hold of my arm and begun dragging me down to where everyone waited.

"Fine, you win. I'll go swim in the salt water where there are animals who could eat me." I muttered as she continued to drag me to the shore.

Hailey laughed. "You'll be fine my ocean newbie. I've swam in this ocean my entire life. The only dangerous thing on this shore are the currents."

The cool water washed up covering my feet and I could feel the wet sand grinding between my toes. It was a weird feeling but I continued to slowly walk in it until I was waist deep in the water.

"Come on," My friends said waving for me to come out further and I followed.

This wasn't so bad. It was just like swimming in a big lake except there were endless miles of water with salt and sea creatures. I tried opening my mouth to say something to Hailey and water splashed into my mouth. I began coughing.

"You shouldn't really drink the water," Hailey joked causing me to roll my eyes.

Everyone paddled around talking and laughing. Some splashed each others and the others let their body float around. It was relaxing and I was having a good time until the waves strength became noticeably tougher and there was a crack of thunder in the distance.

"We should head back to shore," I heard someone yell out. "We don't want the surfers running us over."

Everyone turned and started swimming against the beating waves as they begun tossing us around as we made our way back towards shore. The waves were strong and I felt myself becoming weak against them.

You can do this, I thought myself but then when a wave crashed into me and sent me tumbling around under the surface. I make my way back to the surface and grasp for air. I look around for my friends but they were out of sight.

I started to panic.

Another wave barreling at me and the impact sent me back beneath underwater. I wailed my arms trying to make it back to the surface for air. I broke free of the underwater depths but without warning another wave sent me back under.

The force sent me further down to where I felt rocks and coral scraping my skin. I was losing strength from the beating and the water I kept swallowing was suffocating me. It was filling my lungs and I couldn't fight anymore. My vision was darkening and I could feel myself losing consciousness. I stopped moving and let my lifeless body float to the surface. The last thing I felt was my arm being tugged before everything going dark.

I felt a sharp pain in my chest and ribs as started coming back. I tried breathing, but all that came up was water. I started coughing and that made more water come flying out and finally I felt air. I  could breathe, but it still hurt but I was alive.

"Oh my god! I'm so glad you saved her!"I could what sounded like Hailey's voice.

I opened my eyes. My vision was blurry but as everything came into focus I could make out my savior's face. His light colored hair dripped water on my forehead as his face lit up. He looked familiar, like I've seen him before but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"I think I broke a few ribs giving you CPR, but it's nothing that can't be fixed in time. The medical van is here to take you to a hospital to patch you up. Can you stand up and walk?" He asked me.
I try standing up but i was still so weak I  fell back down. "Here," He said again, "Put you arms around my neck and I'll carry you." I did as I was told and he carefully picked me up trying not to hurt me. The familiar looking guy who saved my life carried me up the path that led up the road where the medical van was waiting with a stretcher. He carefully laid me down on  it and the turned to say something to Hailey as they lifted the stretcher into the back of the Ambulance.

"Your friend is going follow us in her car. I'm coming with you."

"No, it's fine you don't..." I started to say but everything went dark again as I faded out.

I open my eyes again. This time I was laying in a bed at the hospital. I look around but I was alone. Where was my parents? Hailey? My mystery life saver?

I took in a deep breath to sigh, but found out that wasn't a good idea, because even though I could tell I was  on pain medication dip by the IV in my arm it still hurt to take in a deep breath.

My door opened and I looked up and my heart skipped. It was him. They guy who saved my life and now that I was completely coherent I recognized him.

"You're awake,"He said with a smile as he walked over and took a seat on the edge of the bed.

"And you're Ashton Irwin." I said to him nervously and he smiled. "You saved my life."

"I thought I might have been too late. Your body seemed so lifeless when I pull you on my surfboard. I was scared." He looked concerned as his hazel eyes gazed over me and looked at the machines I was connected to. "How are you feeling now?"

"I'm sore. I'm sure I have bruises but I haven't looked over myself yet to know how many. I can just feel them."

"Bruises will go away. I'm just happy you're alive." Ashton said as there was a knock on the door. Both of us looked in the direction of the door as a man peaked his in.

"Ashton," the man whispered urgently. "Crowds are gathering outside and it might be best to head out. We don't want the attention disturbing other patients."

Ashton nodded and returned his focus on me. "That's my cue." Ashton stood to his feet. "It was nice to meet you... Raegan, wasn't it?"

I nodded as he backed up towards the door smiling. "Hopefully I'll see you around."

And then he was gone and I was left in shock.

A/N: New story. If you like it press the VOTE button. Tell me what you think.

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