Chapter 7

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Ashton's POV- A few days ago

I fell onto my queen sized bed, exhausted from the small performance we did. I was on a high from the adrenaline from preforming and it felt amazing. I took a couple of deep breathes and let them out slowly. My blood was still pumping and I needed to calm down.

I pulled out my phone and got on Twitter. I scrolled through my feed reading things the fans were talking about. Most were talking about the upcoming album, it's been so long since we released one I was excited to finally be at this point where they soon would all be listening to it. Others were talking about the performance we just did. Reading everything they were saying made me smile.

I continued scrolling as I heard a knock at the door. "You decent, mate?" I heard Calum ask as he slowly opened the door, peaking his head in. "That show was the shit. I really think they like hearing the new song." He plopped down on the other queen sized bed beside mine. "You feeling okay?"

"Other than being complete wore out from the show I feel great. I can't wait until we do it again." I say still scroll and like things. My feed and notifications were now going bonkers because people noticed I was being active. " How are you feeling about everything?"

"I'm pumped to play the new stuff. I can't wait until album releases and seeing everyone's reactions. Have you gotten any new leads on finding Raegan?" Calum stretches out across on his bed before taking his own phone into his hand.

"Aside from her attending Stanford, no. I can't find much else because her name is too common." I said to him sighing from the slight frustration I was developing from the issue. "I'm half tempted to just walk on campus and search for her but I can't exactly do that without being recognized. Plus, I don't know when her classes are or if she even stays on campus. I need an insider but I don't know who I can trust to get information without shouting out to the world I'm looking for her."

"Hire someone?" Calum suggested but I shook my head. "Then I don't know, Ash."

It got quiet as both Calum and I messed with our phones. I could feel my stomach starting to rumble but I wasn't ready to move from my spot. I just about to exit Twitter when I noticed something on my feed someone had retweeted. It was a picture, a picture of Raegan. It wasn't posted from her account but someone else's and it was posted only a few hours ago.

I study the picture with the caption: Glad my bestie is back with me. It was of two girls, one whom was Raegan and the other was someone who looked familiar. I thought back to the day of the accident and then it hit me. The other girl was her frantic friend who I exchanged quick words with. I tapped on her icon which took me to her profile. I scroll through it and see more pictures of them together and my lips curve into a smile. "Calum I think I found her best friend."

Calum looked over to me before rolling off his bed and crawling over to mind. I shift and hand him the phone. "You think she'll be cool about it?"

I shrug, "I hope so because I don't really have another choice."

I tapped the follow button and then waited to see a reaction from her, but nothing happened. "I don't think she's on right now."

"Well lets go eat with the guys and you can check back on it in a bit." Calum says as his stomach let out loud noticeable noise.

Calum, Luke, Michael, and I sat around a table in the downstairs restaurant of our hotel. Normally, we would just order room service but tonight we decided to venture out of rooms and eat. I was just happy to be surrounded by my best mates with a beer in hand after having a kick ass show. It was definitely shaping up to be a good night but the only thing that could make it better would be a reaction from Raegan's friend on Twitter.

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