Chapter 15- Ears Open

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"No." I said sternly to answer Blake's question about ditching the event with him. There was no hesitation in my answer or even any thought to saying yes. I was not going to leave with him.

"I don't understand why you want to stay here and be his pawn, their pawn for any matter. The band is using you and the accident for publicity, Raegan. I'm the son of a powerful man in this company, I know things because I overhear things." Blake seemed frustrated and it didn't make any sense as to why. Why would he care if I was being used? We barely know each other and it's not his business to begin with.

"Do you seriously not see it?" He continued as I ignored him. I didn't want to talk or even think about this because I was trying to have a good night despite having the thoughts he was bothering me about already. "Please tell me you aren't buying into everything he's telling you."

I turned to him, tempted to cover him with the drink in my hand but I held back. "Prove it, Blake. If all this is true and people believe me to be just some pawn of theirs, then prove it."

"Just open your eyes and ears listen around you. That's all the proof you need." Blake turned and walked in the direction of the bar.

I was left standing in the crowd of people alone. I look around for Ashton, but he was out of sight. I let out a loud sigh of frustration as I moved towards the bar. Squeezing myself through the groups of people standing around the bar, I find an empty bar stool and hoisted myself into it. I gave my order to the bartender and glanced around at the people around me. Most of them were probably in their late twenties to early thirties, wearing suits and hold a drink in their hand, while they were laughing.

"What's the chance it was all staged?" One of people boasted loudly from behind me. I could tell from the deepness of the voice it was man. "You know she's here, right? I could bet money it's all for album sales."

"It definitely wasn't staged but I totally believe their keeping her around for publicity." Another one of the people said but this time it was a female voice. The bartender returned with my drink. I grasped the glass tightly as I took a drink whilst thinking back to Blake's words.

They continued own with their conversation over the matter as I slide off the bar stool. I couldn't bear to hear any more of it as I pushed through the crowd towards the exit. I heard my name being called out but I ignored whoever it was as I took off walking down the street.

It was hard to describe I felt because I felt so many different emotions. I was sad because in the back of my mine I knew it was all too good to be true. I was angry at myself for letting myself get involved, knowing I knew better. Overall, I was mostly disappointed.

"Raegan!" I heard a voice again, but this time it came from a car pulling up beside me. I continued walking, still ignoring the voice. "Raegan, please get in the car. I'll give you a ride to wherever you need to go. You don't need to be walking." The voice pleaded and I finally turned to see Blake following slowing beside me in a car. He leaned over the seats pushing the passenger door open after coming to a stop. "Let me drive you."
I gave in and climbed into his car, shutting the door as he pressed on the gas, sending us down the road. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes, causing them to become blurry as I stared out the window.

"Do you want to go home?" He asked quietly.

"Hailey will question me as to why I'm already back and if I go to my parents, they'll do the same. I might just get a hotel room for myself tonight." I said wiping my wet filled eyes, destroying the eye makeup Hailey helped me with earlier this evening. "You were right. I'm just being used and every saw it except. I guess I was just blinded by the idea that Ashton genuinely cared and liked me."

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