Chapter 9

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Raegan's POV

It was Friday night and the dorms are relatively quiet, but that probably has more to do with it being summer because during normal class sessions the halls are always thriving. I was enjoying the quiet because it was much easier for me to study. The only distraction I currently have at the moment is Hailey rummaging around behind me in her closet trying to find something to wear.

"I would ask if you want to come but I'm pretty sure I already know your answer." She said as she begun laying multiple outfits on her bed.

"And you would be correct." I shoot her a smile before returning to my open book. "I have a test Monday morning so I really should stay focused."

"Is that the excuse you use to justify not calling Ashton?" I watched her cross her arms and stare at the outfits on her bed. "I think a maxi dress would be better."

"Ashton is nice and I really appreciate everything he did for me but I just don't know about all this extra stuff. I don't like the spot light, I literally almost fainted on stage presenting my valedictorian speech in high school. I don't like all eyes on me and being around him doesn't help the issue I'm already having just because he saved me." I told her and she turned to face me with the look pure confusion. "It doesn't sit well with my anxiety."

"You have an amazing person asking to get to know you and I can't believe you're just pushing him aside. There's girls out there who would do anything to just talk to him. Be a little more appreciative of the man in front of you." Her tone was stern as she spoke to me and I understood where she was coming from. I am appreciative of him but I just want to study and make it through school.

"I'm not pushing him aside. Maybe when this semester is over he and I can hang out and talk." I tried reasoning but I received the hand.

"Girl, you'll be old news by then." She turned back to her outfits and that was the end of our discussion about it.

Hailey eventually left for evening after getting dressed up and I was left alone in the dorm surrounded by my textbooks. I sighed as I closed the open books, slightly wishing I wasn't alone.

The folded up paper Ashton had handed me was on my desk next to the lamp. I reached for it and unfolded it showing the scribbles of his writing. I laid it out in front of me as I contemplated what I should do next.

I stood up from my chair and found the jeans I took off yesterday and slid them off after throwing off the baby blue sweat pants I've been in all day. I eyed my Stanford t-shirt in the mirror coming to the conclusion it was still fine to wear before slipping on my black flats. I gathered my phone, the paper on my desk and purse before leaving my dorm.

It was nearing dark as I slowly made my way up to the front of the campus. I only stop to set up an Uber ride before finishing my walk through the quiet and almost eerie like walkways of the school. Luckily, everything was still well lit up or I would be probably be too chicken to walk by myself.

I was only waiting a few minutes out front when my ride finally pulled around the circle drive. I got in and politely say hello to older woman driving. She responded with wide smile as she pulled off after I shut the door. I watched out the window as the car moved through the city. As we got closer to my destination, the traffic begun to slow down almost to stop.

"Friday night traffic for you." The lady driving joked as she gently tap the steering wheel with her thumbs. "We're only a half a mile away."

"I can just finish on foot." I smiled handing her a small tip. "I won't make you wait in this traffic for that short of distance."

She smiled and nodded as she accepted the tip. I climbed out the car after collecting my purse and carefully walked between cars to the busy sidewalk. I watched the nightlife unfold as I passed the bars and clubs. I definitely look out of place on this strip wearing jeans and T-shirt when everyone else around me are in short dresses and skirts.

I see the hotel up a head and I start feeling the nerves building in the pit of my stomach. I dig out the folded paper and stare at it as I now felt hesitant about being here, but I took a deep breath and let it out as I pull out my phone and started dialing the numbers written. It started ringing and I almost thought it was about to go to voicemail when I familiar accent answered, "Hello?"

"Ashton?" I asked and there was slight hesitation.

"Who is this?" The person on the other line questioned sounding slightly nervous.

"Raegan Mills." I said now completely full of nerves.

"Thank god," I could hear him let out a sigh of relief and I could tell from his tone he was smiling. "How are you?"

"I'm good," I smiled. "I'm actually outside your hotel and I was wondering if you were here?" I readjusted my purse over my shoulder as he went silent.

"Yes," He reappeared after a few seconds happily. "I'll be right down to get you! Can you tell if there are groups of girls down there?"

I looked around but everyone looked like normal guest or employees. "I don't notice any."

"Good, I'll be done in just a second." The call ended and I head for the front doors of the large hotel.

I stood waiting in the massive hotel lobby watching people as they enter and exited the hotel. The one thing I noticed was how nicely dress all these people were and once again, here I was sorely out of place in my jeans and T-shirt. Maybe I should have dressed up a little, I thought to myself.

I turned to look in the direction of the elevator just in time to see Ashton coming out. He spotted me instantly and his lips curved into a smile as he approached me. He hooked his arm in mine as he leads me back to the elevator doors.

"Allow me to give you a tour of my makeshift home." He smiled as the doors open allowing us to enter.

A/N: I have so many silence readers. Be more vocal lol VOTE so I know you're there. :)

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