Chapter 13

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I was hesitant about agreeing to go the party with Ashton but I accepted the invitation. Normally I have everything ready well in advance by at least a few days but for this event I still needed a dress and the party was tonight. I unintentionally procrastinated with all the class work I had with only one week of the semester left and kept pushing the whole shopping idea to the back of my mind.

Realizing what day it was I was in a fit of panic and my friend Hailey was no where to be found when I woke up this morning. Not knowing really anyone else near by, I turned to the only other person I knew who loved to shop just as much as my best friend did, my mother.

"What kind of party is this?" My mother asked as we weaved in and out of department store racks. I lost her to the other side of the circular rack but could still the top of her dark, slightly peppered with gray hair pinned up in a bun.

"It's some kind of album release party with their record label. Ashton said to think of it as a cocktail party type atmosphere." I said plucking out a dress but putting it back after seeing all the sequence on it. I shuddered just thinking of myself wearing something like that because it was overly done and unpleasing to the eye, or at least to my eyes.

"Are you excited?" My mom asked poking her head around to eye me.

"Yeah, I'm also really nervous." I mentioned in honesty. "The few times we've hung out have been in private, I just don't know about the attention I'll get from this. People already recognize me and his fans or some of them at least, think there's something going between us."

"Well is there?" She questioned me with a raised brow.

"No, it's not like that at all." I quickly answered her and she smirked as she held out a dress to which I quickly dismissed. "Ashton and I are just friends."

"He seems like a really nice guy from what I've discovered. I think you two would be cute together. I totally ship it."

I turned and stared wide-eyed at my mom who shrugged and went back to looking at dresses. "Not you too," I groaned.

"Oh sweety," She laughed at my reaction. "I'll stop."

"Thank you." I huffed as turned all my attention into looking at dresses.

We went to several different stores looking for me a dress but either their selection was really bad or I was just being really picky. My mom would say the latter, but I really think the selection isn't all that great. I was starting to give up hope when she talked me into one last store. She picked out a few which I did like but as soon as I seen the price I quickly shook my head no at them.

"These are way too expensive." I point out to my mom. "I'm only going to wear the dress this once."

"Ignore the tag and just find something you like." She handed me the dresses to try on. "Your father won't care."

She piled my arms with dresses and every time a price tag came into view my stomach turned. These were ridiculous prices and never would I spend so much on something I would only wear once. Most girls my age would be ecstatic to have parent's who were loaded with cash and getting to pick out whatever they want regardless of the price tag. I, however was not like that. I was about as simple as they come.

I wondered around the store while mom talked to the sales woman about a dress in a particular size when a familiar face rounded the corner of a display. Blake Averys, the handsome charming son of my future program director stood in front of me flashing his perfect white smile.

"Raegan, right?" He asked and I nodded. "What brings you to this store?"

"Shopping." I said lifting the weight of dresses in my arms signalling the obvious. "You?"

"I've been dragged in here by mother in search for the dress she'll be wearing next weekend to the Head Master of  Stanford's start of term party. What event are you shopping for?"

"Album release party. A friend invited me as their plus one." I said shifting the dresses in my arms.

"Would it be the 5 Seconds of Summer's party tonight? I'm attending with my farther actually. He's one of the executive's over there. It will be nice to see a familiar face tonight even though I don't normally go to these but since it's a younger crowd of people my father thinks it will be good social networking move for me." Blake took a step closer to me and it made me feel slightly uneasy. "You should wear the white strapless lace one." He pointed at the stack in my arms. "It would look amazing on you."

"Oh?" I squeaked unsure what else to say.

"Hey, maybe tonight we can even hangout. I'm sure your date will be busy socializing with everyone about the amazing album he and his friends put so much work into."

I shrugged. "Maybe. Do you even know who my date is?"

"There's some speculations that you'll be attending with Ashton Irwin, given your history. It makes for a great media buzz, am I right?" Blake laughs as she leans against the display, crossing his arms. "You showing up with him is good promo. You're a really good person to help them like that."

I felt his words punch me in my the stomach. Is it true? I couldn't help but think about it. Is Ashton using me for promo because he saved me and it will be good media? I felt sick as Blake bid me farewell as a woman's voice called out to him from across the store.

"See you tonight." He added before leaving me standing there with my heart in my stomach.

A/N: It's been forever and I'm so so so sorry. Today is the first day I could sit and focus. I hope you guys are still reading and that you haven't given up on me or this story. Hope you all are well. Much love!!!

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