2 - Grand Theft Auto

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Ashton's POV

I was hurried out of one of the back exits of the hospital where my body guard Landon had the car waiting. We climb into the tinted, dark colored car and he then told the driver to go.

"You shouldn't have went to the hospital." Landon said as he looked out the window to see if we were being followed.

"I had to make sure she was okay." I said crossing my arms. I didn't even want to leave yet but I know my presents would cause people to gather and I didn't want to cause more of a scene.

The car led us to the hotel I was calling home for the moment while the band and I put on shows and did interviews. There were a few fans standing outside, who got excited as I got out of the parked park. I took pictures with them and they asked me about what had just happened.

"She'll recover," I told them as when they asked about Raegan's status. "I'm just glad I was there at the right time."

I hugged the fans as Landon shooed me inside the hotel lobby. I was beginning to get irritated with him because he was always rushing me. I was fine and no one was acting out of control so there was no need to rush, although he repeatedly says it's for my safety to not give it a chance to get out of hand.

We road the elevator to the top floor.  I made my way to the room and swiped my key card granting me access to the room. Landon only seen me inside the room and then went to his room. I plop myself down on the couch in the tiny living room area. I heard voice from the other room getting louder as they came closer.

"Well look who it is." My three best friends Calum, Michael and Luke all said as they surrounded me.

"It's me." I said with a sarcastic tone while waving my hands around.

"You've made practically every news show that exists." Michael chuckled. "I guess that's good publicity for the band."

"Oh shut it, Michael." Calum rolled his eyes before turning to me. "What happened?"

"Well Landon and I were taking some time surfing. He was showing me some more technique stuff. I heard screaming and saw pointing. There was this girl being tossed around by the intense waves of the storm moving in. I swam over to her and pulled her onto my board. Nearly tipped us both over doing so but I managed to get us to the shore. She was unconscious, i preformed CPR and then carried her to medical van."

"And then you road with her to the hospital, obviously from the video showing you jumping in the back with her." Luke said. "I bet Landon hated that. He's so uptight, but continue." He waved me on.

"She woke shortly after being admitted. I talked to her for a few minutes before Landon dragged me out." I finished explaining.

"So she's okay?" Michael asked and I nodded.

"She's has bruises and some cuts, but I she'll be okay. I wish I could have stayed and talked to her. I saved her life and it would be cool to know the person I saved." I said looking at my feet. "Is that weird I kinda want to know who she is?"

"I don't think so." Calum shrugged. "It's just natural curiosity."

"Go see her then." Luke said with a smile. "Is she a fan?"

I shrugged because I really didn't know. The only thing I knew about her was her name. "She knew who I was. She seemed shocked it was me but she didn't scream or do things most people do. It's was hard to tell, honestly."

"Well like Luke said, go see her." Michael pointed to the door.

"I'm sure they wouldn't have discharged her yet." Calum added with wink.

I rolled my eyes. "And how do you suppose I get there? Landon won't do it. He said it was a bad idea for me to have went there to begin with."

"Steal his car." Michael said clapping his hands. "Or I should use the proper term borrow his car. You'll have it returned. Just a minor case of grand theft auto."

Calum laughed. "Worse idea ever. Just call an Uber and be in disguise. At least then you don't have a chance to end up in jail."

I stood to my feet. "Distract Landon, get the keys, and meet at car as soon as possible."

"We can't even drive here." Calum protested my decision. "Plus it's getting late. Hospitals have a limited visitation hours."

"I'll drive." Luke said as we headed for the door. Calum remained by the couch.

"Guys, this a super bad idea." Calum groaned.

"Then stay here and man the man. Keep Landon busy." Michael rolled his eyes.

"He'll know something is up if I do that. When do I ever just chill with him? I don't." Calum followed Luke, Michael and I out the door letting it click shut behind us.


I snuck down to the car as my friends snagged the keys. They appeared a few minutes later with Calum in tow. Luke dangled the keys for me see as they all grinned with the exception of Calum who looked nervous.

"I call shotgun." Michael shouted reaching for the passenger door. Calum and I took the back as Luke climbed into the driver seat.

"How did you do it?" I asked them as the car started to move.

"I asked to see his Marvel comics." Michael said fiddling with the a/c dials. "When he went to his room to get them Luke took the keys off the counter. We talked for a few minutes and then said he was about to shower and then go bed."

"Piece of cake." Luke added. "And this driving here isn't so bad."

"You're grandma driving, Luke." Michael laughed. "Speed the fuck up."

"Don't tell me what to do." Luke hissed. "I got this."

I ran my fingers through my hair as they bickered back and forth. I should have done this myself but I'm thankful they're so keen on helping me. I turn to Calum who stared at the window. I poked his arm and he turned to look at me.

"Thank you," I mouthed to him.  He nodded and then looked back out the window.

"So are you just going to walk in there as you are? Because we're almost there." Luke asked me as I looked around the car for something I could use to not look like me. All I could find was a ball cap and sunglasses. I guess this would have to do. "We'll keep an eye out for you. Just hurry but also take your time."

"That doesn't make any fucking sense." Calum said loudly as I climbed out of the car and shut the door.

I walked in and looked around to gather my surroundings. The lobby was nearly empty as I quickly made my way to elevator. I tapped the seven button multiple times and the door finally closed. The elevator dinged as it passed every floor before allowing the doors to open on the seventh. I walk out and round the corner. I was almost to the nurses stations when security rounded and spotted me.

"Sir, can I help you?" The guard asked me and I froze. "Please remove you sunglasses as well."

A/N: I know it took forever to get this chapter up and I'm sorry. I've had a lot going on and I've been trying to finish Pen Pal. Only 3 chapters left of that story.  Please vote and leave me what you think in the comments!! I love when you guys show love.

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