Chapter 18- New Years Eve

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Raegan's POV- New Years Eve

"You bitch!" Hailey yelled at me. She was furious with me and I completely understood why. "You've done nothing but lie to me and go behind my back."

Today was the day I made the choice to come clean to her about Blake and I, along with everything since the beginning of Fall that I've hidden from her. Ever since Blake and I had "the talk of us" and I decided to give him and I an official go with being more than the fling thing we had going on, it was getting harder to hide everything from Hailey. I was being a horrible friend and she deserved to finally know the truth.

"Not only did I not get into Med school with you and Blake, I find out you've been screwing around behind my back for months and lying to me about it. I thought you were my best friend but no, you couldn't even tell me about Ashton. I had to find out through him asking if I knew what was wrong with you. Do you know how that made me feel? I couldn't even bring myself to ask you because I thought you would come to me about it eventually, but no and I now know why. You rebounded with Blake behind my back." Hailey continued yelling at me at the top of her lungs in our small dorm. "Ashton was an amazing guy and you chose someone I wanted over him. How fucking stupid are you?!"

"Seriously, I'm the stupid one?" I retaliated angrily at her. "The only reason you wanted Blake was to help squeeze your way into the Medical Program. You didn't really like him, you just were going to use him. Plus Ashton was using me for publicity for their album. Why would I want to stick around for that, let alone talk to you about it. Do you know how embarrassing it is to be used by someone. I was hurting that night and Blake was there and he helped me. Everything just happened from there."

"Ashton wasn't using you, you dumb whore." Hailey laughed. "He cared about you. Scatch that, he adored you because what you don't know was that he was talking to me when it came to you because he didn't want to screw up with you. I had your back, this entire time. I kept telling him not to give you and that you'll come around. Obviously I was completely wrong because you just moved on."

I slipped into silence, just wanting to cry from all the anger I was feeling as my ex-best friend yelled our confessions to each other. I was beside myself and I wish I was alone and part of me wished she was lying but I knew she wasn't.

"I kept hearing whispers of what Ashton's intentions were. How can I ignore those?" I said, this time in a normal non-yelling tone.

"He's famous, people create rumors all the time to stir up tension. Maybe instead of just running off what you heard, you should have talked to him." Hailey furrowed her brows, clearly disappointed me with. She crossed her arms. "I can't believe you would be this stupid."

"I'm not stupid!" I said raising my voice again. "I can't help how I was feeling."

"Whatever, Raegan." Hailey threw her hands in the air, signaling she was done. "I have people waiting on me, have fun ringing in the New Year with Blake. Hope he was worth it all."

Hailey pushed passed me to leave our room, slamming the door behind her. I continued standing in the aftermath of our argument, feeling sad and confused about everything. Part of me felt like calling Ashton and apologizing but I wasn't sure what good it would do because I felt like the damage was already done. It doesn't help that the last conversation we had ended by him hanging up on me before giving me a chance to respond. He didn't want to hear what I had to say then, so why would it be different now?

Not even an hour later I found myself back in Blake's room discussing our New Year Eve plans, attempting to push everything that went down with Hailey and I to the back of my mind. He had asked how it went and after I responded with "It went as expected," he left it at that as he smiled as he started telling me what his idea was for us tonight.

"There's going to be a lot of parties tonight so I figured we could make my parent's happy and attend the one my dad is hosting at the record label and then maybe at midnight we could slip off begin the New Year the right way, just you and I?" He smirked, gripping my thigh with his large hand. "Once the semester starts, we're in our finale stretch and I know we'll both be busy finishing up before we head in to Medical School. At least I have you there with me. That thought makes all what to come more bearable."

I sat there beside him as he continued on with excitement and before I knew it he was shoving a large box into my lap snapping me out of the daze I had slipped in to. I undid the red ribbon holding the box together before standing to my feet and placing the box on the bed. The lid came off easily revealing a short lavender dress. I picked it up, feeling the thin, silky fabric in my hands. It was stunning.

"It's beautiful." I said in awe, unable to hold back a smile.

"I was out with my mother this morning and seen it. I thought you might like to wear it tonight." Blake seemed happy with himself because he knew by my reaction he had hit the nail right on with this gift. "Plus I knew I'd have to find you something to make you smile after that conversation with Hailey."

"I don't know what to say, but thank you." I said still trying to put words together.

"Anything for you." He said kissing my cheek.

The sun was setting as we made it to where Blake's father was hosting his end of year part, which happened to be the same place I made the choice to leave Ashton. I hooked onto Blake's arm as we weaved in and out of the crowd until we came to an elevator, leading in up to the balcony area where the actual party was being held.

"Wait here and I'll go get us some drinks." He whispered, leaning in and kissing me before disappearing in the crowd of people.

I turned and stared out into the amazing view. I walked to the railing and leaned my arms against it watching some of the smaller fireworks off in the distance. It was still early in the evening and midnight wasn't for nearly five more hours. I had tried talking Blake into arriving later in the night but he insisted on arriving earlier so he could mingle. I knew right then it was going to be a rough night because I wasn't all for these types of events as it turns out because after few smaller events I attending to with Blake, I found myself getting bored pretty fast.

I was off in my own little world, staring off into world in front of me when I felt someone come and stand beside me. When I turned my head to look, I expected to see Blake baring drinks and hopefully some of those fancy finger food things but instead it wasn't Blake. It was Ashton.

A/N: Hey look I updated!! What did you think? Please comment and Vote. I super hope you guys are liking it. Seems like I have 10 constant readers. Yay!

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