Moving Fast

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As I look up at the house, since Keaton and Wesley had moved, it was huge! I loved it, and I could wait to see what was inside. I knock on the door with a bag of chipotle in my hand. I stood there for at least 2 mins, so I knocked again.

"Sorry Tyler and I were fighting to see who would open the door, Hi!" Keaton had said as he opened the door with a smile.

"Hi" I said blushing a bit, I didn't know why I got like this with Keats. I have known him for 2 years and yet everytime I was around him I would get a bit shy. I just brushed that thought away.

Keaton and I then somewhat side hugged and he showed me to the kitchen where I set the food down.

"You're place, it's so amazing, I love it." I said.

"Haha amazingly dirty we got to clean up!" Keaton then said with I side smile, he then continued "If you want I-"

Wesley and Tyler had the cut him off.

"AWH YEA CHIPOTLE!" Wesley shouted from the living room part of the house.

"Gosh I'm starving!" Tyler said.

"Thanks so much for bring it over!"

"No prob TCase, anything for you guys." I replied to Tyler.

"Anything?" Wes said with a smirk

"Ok Wes anything, unless it's sexual the... No."

"AWH Man!" Wes said "Hahaha I'm just minding with you."

"I figured.." I replied to Wes.

"Anyway, what I was saying, I could show u around." Keats said.

"Sure that would be awesome!"

I then followed Keats to the living room area, one side the recording area and one the other he had curtains making it dark, and kinda tumblr I guess.

"This is so different, I like it" I awkwardly smiled.

"Thankyou I designed it myself, let me show you the bedrooms." Keats smiled while motioning his hands toward him.

We first went to Wes' bedroom and it was typical Wes. Skating and surfing inspired, but the room was huge.

I then was showed the guest room and or Tyler's room, since Tyler stayed there so much. There was the an extra room that they thought of just using as storage. Last was Keats room, similar to mine it

was simple yet, again tumblr.

I commented again "This house is really nice, I really like you're room" Keaton turned and smiled

"Thanks, umm if you like it.. You could stay here... If you wanted to. We have the extra room, and it would be cool."

My eyes widen, and light up!

"I would love to live here! It would be so awesome and since I just graduated, it would be great to get out, and well not live with my mom. Haha." I ended the sentence awkwardly but then I thought, "what about Wes and Tyler, would they want me to live here?"

I guess that I spoke out loud, because Keaton replied.

"Since we are all here together, we could all... um talk about it."

"Ok!" I replied to excited.

We both walked to the kitchen were we sat down and we all enjoyed our chipotle.

"Ugh I'm stuffed!" Tyler said

"Me too" Wes said

"Me three" I then said

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