Chapter three: hired for horan

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Hey guys! how is everyone doing? did you all enjoy the first two chapters? they were a bit messed up because of the same thing happening but in different povs anyways have a nice night!

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Enjoy! :)

~ Menika


Lila's pov

Niall left me just standing in the room while he went back down stairs to see the guys, I stood there for bit not knowing what to do I wanted to head to the airport to leave I really didn't want to be here not with them anyways, I sighed unlocking my arms and sitting on the bed looking around. I looked over at the nightstand seeing pictures of Niall and some other people, I stood up walking around to the nightstand picking up the frame and looking at it "what are you doing?" I jumped hearing his strong Irish accent dropping the picture.

I stood there frozen in my spot he walked up to me bending down to pick up the frame "I'm sorry" I whispered noticing the crack down the middle, we made eye contact I could tell there was something wrong, he rubbed the picture of the guy in the frame then set the picture back on the nightstand it standing right out then other pictures. he sighed "please just don't touch those" he pointed at the pictures. I nodded walking back to sit on the bed.

He sighed once again sitting on the bed next to me, we sat in silence for a few minutes before anyone spoke "are ya hungry?" I shook my head no and he scratched the back of his head "look Lila I know we both don't like the situation were in but we don't need to ignore each other, can we at least talk and be friends?" I almost laughed but kept it in there no way I wanted a relationship with this guy nor a friendship, I know I don't know these guys and I'm being judgemental or whatever but I don't like these guys at all.

"Lila?" he said after a couple minutes of silence, I didn't look at him or even shake my head, I don't want to be here! why can't anyone understand that? he stood up "I'm going to get something to eat, if I bring up food and water would you eat on the roof with me?" I had my eyes on one spot only and that was the floor I didn't even bother making eye contact with him, I heard him mumble something under his breath and walk out of the room.

I looked up as he left feeling tired I wish I didn't get myself into this! why did I have be at Starbucks? why did I even agree to go to that stupid concert? I felt the need to call someone so I pulled my phone out of my pocket dialling my best friends number.

"Hello?" I smiled as I heard Brooke's voice

"Brooke!" I screamed in excitement "I miss you so much!"

"Are you already gone?" I sighed in the phone.

"Yes I left this morning really early, I'm having a terrible day! I miss you so much" she laughs

"Are you ever going to fly me out there to visit you?" I laughed and nodded my head.

"Yes of course! I can't go a year without seeing you! I can't go a day without talking to you" we both laughed and continued talking some more when I heard the door open, "got to go!" we said our byes "who was that?" I heard Niall say while closing the door "a friend" I felt the bed sink beside me "please eat something" I looked at his hand to see a slice of pizza , my favourite! sitting on a plate.

I sighed "here" he placed it beside me "I'll be downstairs" he said pointing to the door and leaving mumbling under his breathe again, I looked over at the plate with pizza and licked my lips it was so tempting, I looked at the door and back at the plate and grabbed the pizza shoving it in my mouth as I was starving!

After I finished eating I looked at the time and sighed seeing that it was already 9pm I've been here since 10 am I literally wanted to just jump out the window!

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