Chapter eight: hired for horan

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I'm actually enjoying writing this story I really hope you guys are enjoying reading it, will Niall and Lila ever get along?? oh boy we will see!

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~ Menika


Niall's pov

I was woken up by a slamming door and some yelling "that was g-great m-mman" I heard Louis slur then laugh "lets party!" Harry screamed "shh" I heard Liam add in, I seen the light turn on I sat up squinting at the light "look what we have here" Louis walked up to me and sat down "now I'll tell you" he leaned in putting his finger to my lip "I love you man" he slurred again "you to buddy" I said laughing "why such a down face" he started touching my face causing me to stand up.

"Why you sleeping on the couch man?" I looked over at Liam and yawned "did you guys have a fight?" yes "no I just have fallen asleep" he raised an eyebrow making me feel uncomfortable "this couch feels like my dog" I looked over at Louis and laughed watching him petting the couch "I love you mr snuggles" he kissed the couch and tried hugging it "how many did he have?" I asked looking over at Liam "you man you missed a good time! pretty sure he had more shots than he can count"

I laughed looking at Harry who had passed out on the carpet as soon as he laid down "where's zayn?" I asked just as he walked in the living room eating a sandwich "good night lad" he nodded his head and shoved the sandwich in his mouth, I let out a yawn "alright lad goodnight" he waved and sat down beside Louis on the couch "your beautiful" I heard Louis say, I couldn't help but let out a chuckle on my way up the stairs.

I opened the door to my room eyeing the time and yawning I couldn't believe that it was past three in the morning, I looked at the bed seeing that Lila was fast asleep I made my over taking my shirt off and sliding under neath the covers putting some blanket on me, once I did that not even a few minutes later Lila pulled the covers back and I had none so I reached back for some and she took them again "fine" I whispered.

I got out of bed walking over to my closet and pulling out some blankets and making a bed on the floor, I laid down on my back resting my head on the pillow looking up at the ceiling, why couldn't this all be just a fucking dream? This girl is ridiculous! I'm wondering what her family is like? she seems to not have any manners.

When I opened my eyes in the morning and rolled over I almost screamed in pain my back killed from sleeping on the floor all night, I sat up slowly wincing and yawned looking over at the bed to see that Lila is not there, I stood up looking at the time and couldn't believe that it was past noon, I stretched putting a shirt on and making my way out of the room down the stairs.

I made my way past the sitting room into the kitchen seeing no one, I looked out onto the patio to see Lila sitting by the pool on a chair enjoying the sun, I sighed opening the door making my way outside slowly taking a seat on the chair next to her "where is everyone?" I whispered, she looked up now knowing I was there "sleeping" shit yea I forgot they didn't get home till late and they were pretty drunk.

"I'm sorry" I whispered trying to make small talk with her "whatever Niall" she sighed standing up "where are ya going?" I asked curiously "you sure ask a lot for someone who doesn't give a fuck!" she hissed and made her way inside "great" I muttered "and the ignoring continues" I pulled out my phone.

Niall- worst fucking idea ever! we don't even speak to each other and when we do we bicker! You sure know how to pick em! .. not

I set my phone down and not even a minute later it went off.

Karen- deal with it Niall! You guys aren't supposed to love each other behind closed doors just make it look real for everyone else! hope you are ready for that tour of yours on Friday?

Niall- deal with it? why don't you you? fucking ready as I can be

Karen-good don't forget her!

"Fuck off" I hissed setting my phone on the table next to me "you okay lad?" I looked up to see Liam taking a seat beside me "sleep well?" he laughed "should've seen Louis after you left, he's still a sleep" I laughed it sounding fake "what's up lad you seem pissed off" I wanted to tell him so bad knowing that Liam is the only one that could keep a secret this big I looked over and bit my tongue knowing I couldn't say a word.

"Nothing" I spoke up "alright" he rested his head against the seat and closed his eyes, I'm itching to tell Liam I don't think I could keep a secret this big from him for a whole year, I sighed knowing what to do and didn't care about my career anymore.

"Liam" I said after a few minutes "mhm?" he asked not opening his eyes "I do have something to tell ya" he opened his eyes and looked at me "I uhh umm Lila" I stopped finding the right words "what's up Niall?" I swallowed "Lila and I aren't really dating, management forced us to date for the paps were both forced to keep quiet!" I said quickly getting a stare from Liam his eyebrows raised and mouth open.

"Liam please say something?" I begged after a couple minutes "this isn't right, how many people know about this?" I sighed "Lila me and Karen" shit why did I say anything? "how long is this going on for?" I looked down at my lap "12 months" I whispered "what?!" he yelled "you need to tell someone!" he stood up walking towards the house "Liam!" I jumped up "you can't tell anyone, I'm begging!" he sighed looking down "I won't tell anyone, but promise me Niall don't hurt her" I nodded and he headed inside.

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