Chapter twenty nine

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Lila's pov

"You are to fake date Niall Horan for the next year" I watched as the lady in front of me grab a pen and paper writing something down. "Lila did you hear me"? I couldn't form words I couldn't move. "Lila"?

I opened my eyes to see Brooke standing above me with a worried look on her face. I blinked a couple times looking around me only to see her in the room. She took a seat on the chair next to my bed.

"Everything alright, you seemed freaked out"? She asked with concern in her voice. I was still unsure if that was a dream or not.

"I-I think I'm starting to remember" I stuttered. She looked up with some emotion in her eyes I couldn't tell what she was thinking, maybe some relieve?

"What do you remember lila"? Her voice sounding somewhat exhausted. I blinked a couple times replaying that dream over and over again in my mind.

"Uhh I was sitting at a desk with some blond lady, I'm pretty sure Niall was right beside me. She said that I was to fake date Niall for a year. What does that mean"? I looked up to see her face turn pale like maybe she seen a ghost.

"I'll go get the doctor" she whispered under her breath walking out the door. I rolled my eyes I wanted to know what that meant and why in my dream I'm fake dating the man who loves me?

"Lila" I looked to see the doctor walking in the room with a smile on his face and a clipboard in his other hand. "I'm hearing you are starting to remember, am I correct"? I looked at Brooke who had her head down.

"What are you talking about"? I question. "is what I'm dreaming a real memory"? My voice becoming angry that their hiding something from me. "oh my god Brooke please tell me Niall actually loves me and this wasn't a set up"! I practically scream.

"Lila what else do you remember other than this"? The doctor asking. I'm so upset by how real this could be I don't know if I could remember anything at the moment.

"Please leave" I asked the doctor politely so I could talk to Brooke about this, where's Niall? Maybe I should talk to him instead. The doctor left, I turned to look at Brooke. "is this a memory Brooke"? I asked again.

She looked down for a minute shaking her head. "I'm sorry" she whispered. "it's not all what you think, I swear let me explain" I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I motioned my hand for her to continue on.

"You were set up to fake date him for year, but after a couple months you both fell in love with each other Lila" she looked down that's when I knew that wasn't it.

"What else is there"? She let out a sigh looking into my eyes.

"You guys Brooke it off so it didn't go further, that was a couple months ago. You didn't want nothing to do with him up until the accident a couple weeks ago, you said his name in the ambulance and that's why he's here. I asked him to stay for you because I knew you still loved him"

I couldn't speak after that I had no idea what to say after hearing all that, I knew I was leaving here soon but I'm feeling confused and lied to about this whole mess.

"Why didn't you say something to me when I woke up"? I questioned. I looked into her eyes only to see no emotion. I let out an annoyed sigh not wanting to face Niall at all today.

"Because you were scared confused and had no memory, Niall rushed to be by your side to see if you were okay I can tell he loves you Lila, I didn't want to see him heart broken again"

I huff feeling a cloud of many mixed emotions surrounding me. "where's Niall"? Why isn't he here when I can suddenly remember what an ass he is.

"He will be here after lunch" I nodded trying to figure out if I wanted to yell at him or not. "do you want me to call him"?

"No, I'll speak to him when I see him" just as I said that Niall walked into the room.

"Morning princess, I thought I would surprise you and bring you breakfast" he set down the food on my bed smiling his innocent smile at me. "what's wrong"? He questioned. He had no idea what I was about to say to him next.



Hey everyone! I would like to start off with saying I have 800 reads! I know it's not much but it's way more than I ever expected this story to get to :)

Who liked this chapter and what do you think is going to happen between Lila and Niall? I might be mean and wait a couple weeks to update haha....

That reminds me sorry it's been a while for this update I've been incredibly busy with work haven't had an actual day off in two weeks! So I'm enjoying this one and dreading work in the morning :(

Hoped you enjoyed the chapter!

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~ M

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