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Really? Who?

You'll see 😇



I place my phone on a charger and lay back on my bed and stare up at the ceiling. I close my eyes and begin thinking about what I said to Jungkook.

Did i really just do that? What if he says no. What if he doesn't know how to act around humans or what if he embarrasses me in front of everyone. This is such a bad-

Just then I felt warm breath on my cheek. I open my eyes to find a smiling monster hovering over me. I punched him in his eye out of shock. His smile quickly fades away and he holds his left hand over his left eye.

"What was that for?" He said surprisingly calm considering the fact I hit all my force and I have beat Jungkook in multiple arm wrestling matches for food.

"I'm sorry. You scared the shit out of me." I said touching his eye softly. He winced at the slight pain I applied. "Here, I'll go get some ice."

I get up and leave the room and head to the kitchen for some ice. I get a plastic bag from the cabinet and open the door to the freezer. I grab the ice tray and begin filling the plastic bag up. I fill the empty tray back up with water and as I am putting the ice back a wild Jungkook appears out of nowhere.

"Hey! Who were you talking to in your room?" He asks with a huge warm smile.

He startled me to the point of falling back a bit and spilling the water from the ice tray on myself.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!" I yelled in frustration. "What the hell?!Why?!" I continued yell and pout.

"Awe, you're always too cute when you're pouting." He chuckled as he went to get a towel from the lenin closet for me.

Sometimes I even wonder how he is so comfortable in my house. Ever since we were little he would always come over my house, not even to play sometimes, literally just to be here.

He hands me the towel and I gladly take it from him. "I wasn't talking to anyone." I mumbled under my breath but loud enough for him to hear.

"But I heard you talking to someone about ice-"

"So what brings you here?" I ask completely changing the subject. He looks at me with so much confusion in his eyes.

"Well, I came over like an hour ago so that we could hang out and eomma said you would be down soon but, you were taking forever. So I went up to see what you were doing and I heard you talking to someone." He says still trying to get answers from me.

"I was talking to myself." I lied in hopes he would believe it.

"Were you talking that monster you told me about?" He questions.

"No" I say not able to look him in eye while lying.

"That's not fair. Tell me. I literally introduced you to Taehyung." He whined like a little kid not getting their way.

"I don't think he's an alien, Kook. I think you just have a very weird child in your closet." I say this and we both laugh. We finally calm down from laughing and he looks at me.

"Really, (Y/n)...Was it that monster? Come on, we tell each other everything." He says taking the towel I used and put in a nearby laundry basket.

Goddamn Kook, why are you so persistent? I gotta think of a way to make him go home....

"I'm actually feeling a little sick, so I don't think we can hang out today." I say hoping he would leave.

"Aw. I can take care of you if you want. I can make you soup and I'll sing for you and we can still watch a movie." He says with excitement in his eyes.

Ugh...this kid is too cute.

"Ok, fine"

(675 Words)

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