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I can't do it.

I can't.

I just can't.

I want to see the dress so badly...

I have been bugging Namjoon nonstop since he took my formal dress from me. I can't help it.

Today is Wednesday.

You'll live Y/N...

No I won't! Where is that lanky thief!!!

"Namjoon..." I say laying in my bed facing my room.

I don't receive a response. I call his name one more time a little louder.

I feel arms wrap around my waist from behind. A warm chest cuddles into my back. I know it's Namjoon being weird again though I don't stop him because it was oddly comforting.

I feel his face snuggle into my neck making me shiver. He hums and I can I feel vibrations from his chest.

"What?" He says tightening his arms around my waist. "I was sleeping." He whines.

"Could I please see the dress." I ask quietly.

"You really woke me up for that? No." He said simply.

I turn around facing him. " Why not? You truly have no heart." I pretended to cry.

"I know you're faking. You would never cry in front of someone intentionally." He said before rolling over to wear his his back face me. "And I said Friday. Now, go to bed it's 11:30pm. You'll wake up late."

Well he isn't wrong. Fine. I'll sleep.

" Well aren't going back home?" I said poking his side.

"Nooo....just let me sleep here." He says pulling my face into his chest.

I sigh in defeat and just enjoy his company. I cuddled into him closely. I feel my eyes start to get heavy and the warmth wrapped around me became numbing.

The sound of Namjoon's voice shakes my tiredness.

"Hmm?" I respond lazily.

"...Y/N" he mumbles back.


"Sing for me..."

"What son-"

"Just sing"

"I don't know..."


"Ok. Fine....
Riding down, Riding down
My hand on your seat,
the whole way round'
Carry bandaids on me now
For when your soft hands
hit the jagged ground
Wheels aren't even touching the ground
Scared to take them off
Cause' they're so worn out
Promise I won't push you
straight to the dirt
If you promise me
you'll take them off first
I love everything you do
When you call me fucking dumb
for the stupid shit I do
Wanna ride my bike with you
Fully undressed,
No training wheels left for you
And I'll pull them off for you
I love everything you do
When you call me fucking dumb
for the stupid shit I do
Wanna ride my bike with you
Fully undressed,
No training wheels left for you
And I'll pull them off for you"



"You're so beautiful."

My eyes shot open in complete shock.


"Mmm...you're my everything."


"I love you."

"Namjoon I-"

I look up at him just to see his eyes shut and his lips moving by themselves.

Oh he's just sleep talking.

"Night, Namjoon." I cuddled back into him and got comfy again.

"Warm...l-love you so much. Mmm..." Namjoon exhales happily and mumbles in incoherent sentences.

I feel the drowsiness that once overcome me again. I closed my eyes letting myself fall into a deep sleep.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!?!?"

(544 words)

Me: I'll update again tomorrow
Also me: *updates 3 weeks later*

Sorry guys but, I do still love y'all.💕💕

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