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"Hello? Who is this?"

"Um...are you willing to just have phone sex with me?"

"Excuse me?"

"Look, I'm hard. Can you help me out, ok?"

"You have the wrong number."

End Call


"Yes. Where do you want to meet up babe so we get it started?"

"I'm not a whore..."

"So.... *chuckles* No ass? Hah-"

End Call


"Well...um...I'm not very experienced... but I would really like to please you too. I promise I wouldn't be a complete waste of time."


"Uhhh... Hello?"

End Call

I hang up on the 12th pervert that has called me today. I flop on my bed.

"Geez. Tell your boyfriends that you're busy." Namjoon appears out of nowhere and sits at my desk.

I give him an annoyed look and drop my head back down lifelessly.

"Ok ok. I get it, not funny." He starts spinning around in my chair like a happy child.

My phone rings again. I hold it up to my head on speaker.

"Hey. Uh...what would I have to do to make you scream daddy for me?"

I was gonna respond but Namjoon picked up the phone and spoke into it.

"To be honest, I'd rather you scream daddy for me, baby boy." He said in a low growl like voice. It sounded so sexy.

There was a long silence.

"Uhh...my bad dude. I think I have the wrong number."

"You're looking for free sex right, baby boy."

"Umm Wait is this an actual phone sex line?"

"Yeah, baby boy and I'll make your dream of being destroyed by my huge cock a reality."

"Ok I'm uhh...gonna go now."

The boy hung up and Namjoon smiles and hands me my phone back.

"Thanks." I close my eyes tossing my phone over to the side. "Where did you learn that?"

"Well remember I told you about my demon friend."

I look at him curious to know more.

Monster Under the Bed ||k.nj[18+]✔️Where stories live. Discover now