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I was in a deep sleep dreaming of life after a zombie apocalypse until wake up to my lamp flickering on and off like crazy. "What the-" I say rubbing my eyes and yawning. 

"Y/N! Are you still home? You're gonna be late!" I hear my mom yell from downstairs.

I look over at my phone and she was right I woke super late. I quickly jump out of bed and run to the bathroom and change into clothes and brush my teeth. I run back to my room to grab my bag. "Oh, thanks for waking me up, monster" I said as I left my room.

Since I didn't know very much about him I just decided to name him "Monster". Despite the many attempts I have made to get him to show himself and talk to me he never did, I guess he's just shy.

I run to the bus stop where my friend Nikki was. "You woke up late again? You gotta be more responsible..." she scolds me. "Shut...up, I still have...better grades...than you!...It's just....my attendance...that's crappy..." I say in between breaths, tired due to the 5 minute run that is usually a 15 minute walk.

The bus pulls up as I get myself together and board the bus. We took a public bus and walked to school since our homes were quite far. 

"So (Y/n), is today gonna be the day?" Nikki asks smiling at me.

"Yeah, I'm so ready." I say assuming what she was talking about, which was not a good idea.

"Really? But you said you weren't ready yesterday and the day before that and the day before-"

"That's why you study, Nikki"

"You studied to ask someone out?.....That's sad."

"Wait, are we talking about the same thing? I was talking about Ms. Wokks Math test today... You studied too, right?"

"No, we are not talking about the same thing and yes, I did study for her test. But I was talking about asking Kookie out."

"No! I will never be ready 'cause I'm not asking him out."

"Awwww.... but you guys look so cute together. I'm sure he likes you too." 

"We are just friends it's gonna stay just like that because I'm sure he only sees me as that."

We soon arrive at a bus stop near school and get off and continue walking. I start staring off into space a bit (which I kind of do a lot) and trip over something but before I could completely embarrass myself I was grabbed by someone and pulled back up.

"(Y/n), you have to be more careful. You okay?" I hear the voice say from behind me.

I turn around and find that Jungkook was the one to save me from my own clumsy self. 

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I said picking up my books and pencils that I had dropped. He helps picking up some papers that had flew out my binder. Jungkook was always really sweet and kind to me, which was one of the reasons I liked him. He smiled and handed me the papers which reminded me of another, he is so adorable. I get myself back together we continue to walk the rest of the way to school.

We walk into the crowded hallway and Nikki and I separated from Jungkook for first period. We had English. Then second I had P.E. all by myself. For third I had a college Math class I was taking. And for fourth all three of us had Sophomore Math together. We take our seats right next to each other and settle in. 

"Class, I hope you remembered that there is a test today." Ms. Wokks says not even looking at the class she was apparently directing to.

"We have a test?" Jungkook whispers to me.

"Kook, you really forgot to study?" I whispered back.

We stopped talking once she started handing the tests out. I finished my test early and flipped it over and stared out the window. I see the school old cherry blossom tree. It reminds me of the time I ran away when I was 9 and meet Jungkook at a park. It was almost like I was watching the whole scene over again.




"Hey! Are you okay?" 

(717 Words)

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