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I walk down an aisle the contains pretty frilly dresses. "I hate all of them..." I say to Nikki, she keeps walking ahead. "None of them would look good on me." I say making her stop to turn around and death glare me.

"You don't know that because you haven't picked one out and tried it on yet." she giggles and hands me a white strapless dress. "Here."

"Yeah, no." I say hanging the dress back where it belonged as she handed it to me. "How about something my mom wouldn't be ashamed of." we both laugh.

I look over all the dresses and could not find anything. Nikki ended up finding this tight little blue dress that covered only what needed to covered and that's it.

We leave the store all I got was a silver necklace with a heart charm on it, some silver heels and a pair of white flats.

"It's late you should head home." Nikki reminds me.

"Yeah, you're right. See ya!" I say leaving her behind and running home. I get home and hear plates clashing together and running water from the kitchen.

"Mom? I'm home!" I yell over all the noise.

"Hey, sweetheart...what's in the bag?" she also yells instead of just turning off the water. "Winter formal dress?" she says finally turning the water off and meeting me in the living room.

"No. Just the accessories." I open the bag showing her the stuff I got.

"Oooh. So pretty." She says eyeing the beautiful accessories I had purchased.

"Yeah, I cant find a dress I like." I say disappointedly and sigh.

Out the corner of my eye I see my mother smile widely. She runs upstairs and disappears for and few moments. After a minute or so my mom is now stumbling down the stairs with a large box.

"Try this on" she says handing me the box.

"Ok" I take the big box in hand and walk to my room.

I place the box on the bed examining it closely. I gently drag my fingertips along the silver bow that was tied around the bottom of the box.

Right above the bow the lid to the box was littered with big sparkling jewels.

"Wow..." I hear a deep voice behind me.

I whip my head around quickly to the sound. I was face to chest (I hate being short) with Namjoon.

"I'm glad you're back home. I missed you." He embraces me in a tight breath taking hug.

"You never missed me before." I stated without hugging him back.

"Well, I get to talk to you now. So when you leave I miss talking to you." He says hugging me even tighter.

"You don't even know me." I say still muffled by his shirt.

"Of course I do. I have been under your bed for the past decade and half." He chuckles and loosens his grip a bit.

"That's not creepy" I say dryly. I turn back around to open the box, but pair of hands grab the box from me.

"What are you doing?" I give a look that could only be described as confusion.

He opens his mouth gaping at whatever he was seeing. He quickly closes the box and grins at me wildly.

"Can I see?" I say intently.



"I said no."

"Well why not?"

"You will see it the day of the dance."


"I want you to surprised."

"I'm the one wearing it."

"And you will see it later this week."

I reach out for the box but before I could snatch it from him he bends over and slides it all the way under the bed. I look up at him to see him smirking as if daring me to get it. I stare at him shook beyond belief.

"W-why? Get it back!" I whined at him.

"Nope." He continues to smile at me.

"Give me my dress back you dick!" I yell at him as I punch him repeatedly which clearly has no effect as he was just standing there taking the hits.

He grabs my wrist making me look at him. He starts pushing me back until I hit a wall.

I couldn't stop staring into his eyes. He moved his hands slowly up my arms to my face to cup it.

What in the frickity frackity fuck is going? Why is he doing this? God he looks so good... What are you thinking? HE'S A MONSTER!!!

He gets closer to my face. His lips get so close to mine that I could feel his breath.

Holy shit! He's gonna kiss me! The real problem here is... I don't want to stop him.

"You're so cute when you're angry." He whispers. " but no."


"You're not seeing that dress until Friday."

His entire demeanor changed. He was so adorable a second- Wait...Friday?! Tell that 6-foot hockey stick to give you your damn dress.

I let out a small growl to warn him.

"Awww. You're too cute." He takes my chin in his hand tilting my head upwards towards him.

Fuck it.

I push my lips forward hoping to catch him but I fail as he moves his face back.

"I'm hungry." He says beginning to vanish in thin air.

"Wait!" I yell but he was already gone.

Friday? That's only four days, I'll live.

I am so sorry I have been gone so long. School has been kicking my behind. I also just haven't been feeling life lately so it was hard writing something passionately. I will try get an update on one of my stories tomorrow. Also happy holidays💕💕❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚

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