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The rest of the day went by pretty uneventfully. After Jungkook had kept ignoring my questions and changing the subject more I ever would to get out of answering someone. I stayed after school today I volunteered to help set up the gym for the winter formal.

I entered the gymnasium and there was white paper snowflakes all over the floor and silver glittery streamers half put up. The counselor was yelling out orders to different groups of people.

"Umm... is there anything I can do?" I said dropping my bags on a nearby bleacher. The lady turned towards me and gasped.

"Perfect! Absolutely perfect!" She exclaimed excitedly. I stared at her confused. "Go over there and help Jin with the tinsel. He can tape them higher but, you're a good height to tape them lower and when you're done with then help Rose with building the gazebo. I think she's struggling a bit."

I smiled headed off to help Jin with the tinsel. I grabbed a handful of it and some tape and got to work. There was an awkward silence for a little until Jin broke it.

"Are you and Nikki ok?" He asked out of nowhere. I looked at him and sighed. "It's ok you can tell me." He assured me.

Jin was a senior that I always looked up to since last year. He was kind to everyone, got amazing grades and just good at everything. I want to be like him one day. So, really any advice from him is pure gold to me.

"I...." I start but, couldn't think of what exactly I did wrong. I giggled thinking about it. "I don't know." I laughed harder. "I actually have no idea what I did wrong." I was starting to cry. I'm sure I looked completely insane.

"Hey... I only asked if you two were ok. Don't cry, please." He said weakly as he rubbed my shoulder. "Calm down. Now tell me what happened."

I took a deep breath and wiped my tears out my eyes. "I like Kook but, I think Nikki does also and wants me out the picture entirely. Now she's being menacing bitch to me."

Jin thought for a couple seconds before responding. "She was never a real friend. I'm sorry, Y/N. I would just stop associating with her and stand up to her when she gets nasty with you." He said patting my head lightly.

"Thank you, Jin." I smiled and gave him a hug and returned one just as warm.

"Ok, back to work. This place won't decorate itself." He said continuing to tape tinsel to wall.

Once the wall was finished it looked like it could direct air traffic. I saw that Rose had managed to get the gazebo together so I headed home.

I got home and laid on my bed. I looked at the ceiling deep in thought. I took out the screenshot from my bag and stared at it.

Well of course these are me and kook's messages just edited.

As my eyes were fluttering closed I heard Jin's voice once again.

"Never a real friend."

It makes sense. If she was ever my true friend she would have asked me about Jungkook and would have never made me feel guilty for liking him. It was so easy for her to turn from friend to foe overnight it makes me think...she planned this shit a long time ago, didn't she? And for a boy who she's only known for like a year, I've known him since the beginning of time itself.

"What are you doing? Start getting ready, the formals tonight!" Namjoon appears from no where. He takes my hand and pulls me up.

"You're not even dressed!" I pointed out. He was in a pair of washed black tight jeans and a graphic t-shirt that said 'GhostBlasters!'.


"No one can see me accept for you remember?" He smiles with cute dimples showing. "I'll be there, but only in your head."

"So ultimately, I don't have a date. I should've accepted Jungkook's offer." I sigh disappointingly. "Let me get the stupid dress." When I said that his eyes lit up. He disappeared to just reappear seconds later with the sparkly box in hand.

"You are gonna love this, I promise" He smiles and I open the box. It was filled the brim with glittery, bedazzled blue fabric. I couldn't even see what it was, it was so fluffy. "Go on. Try it on!" He urges me. "Just call me, I'll be back." He leaves me alone to change.

I take the dress out and it turns out to be a big ball gown. Wow... I guess this is why he wanted it to be a surprise. I undress myself and hop into the dress. After zipping it up I turn to the mirror. Oh...My...God...Is that....Me?! I take a step closer analyzing how beautiful the dress was on me.

Me?! I take a step closer analyzing how beautiful the dress was on me

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"Wow..." I look up and see Namjoon standing behind me.

"I know right?...It's beautiful." I couldn't stop looking at myself. I looked like a princess from one of those kid movies.

"Well are you ready?" He asks spinning me around to check out.

"Yeah....lets do this."

I. Know. I'm. Garbage. I'm sorry.

I was grounded for my grades

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I was grounded for my grades. I apologize, for I made a promise, and literally not even 24 hours after my mom grounded me for having 2 Cs. I will update you guys of my final grades when I get them, but until then, love you all, stay Gucci. 🥰🥰

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