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"Miss Y/L/N, why are you late?" My English teacher, Mr. Reed asks me as I enter the classroom 30 minutes late.

My eyes drift over to Nikki who sitting at her desk with her head down. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the teacher.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask Nikki?" I said making Nikki raise her head to scowl at me.

"Miss Y/L/N, what does Nikki have anything to do with YOUR tardiness?" Mr. Reed defends Nikki.

"You know what? Here's a better question. Ask Nikki why she pushed me off the bus this morning!" I yelled. The entire class swung their heads to Nikki's direction.

"You pushed her off the bus?" The teacher asked astonished by the action itself let alone we were supposed to be best friends. "Why would you do that?"

"I was mad at her. Can you just mark her tardy and continue class?" She rolled her eyes and put her head back down.

"I-... Well um... Y/N you're excused. Please take a seat." Mr. Reed gestures me to my seat. I could tell he couldn't believe what he heard.

I walk to my seat which was right next to Nikki, but at the moment I wasn't so happy about being close to her. The rest of class went by quickly and quietly.

The bell rings and I gather my stuff to go to my next class. As I walked I heard someone talking to me.

"Once again little miss perfect gets out of trouble with no repercussions. What a surprise! She always gets what she wants." I whip my head around to see Nikki I sneering at me.

"What the hell is wrong with you? What did I even do to make you angry?" I stomped closer to her. I got so close to her I was directly in her face.

"Don't even tell me. That's ok. Just know... you put your hands on me again. Best friend or not, it's on sight.

Being my best friend she already knows what on sight was. It means it doesn't matter when or where. I will hit her.

She turned around and walked away. I did the same and went my class. I calmed down and was completely fine until math class.

I sit next to Jungkook. He didn't look at or say anything to me.

"So I'm guessing you don't need the homework for last night?" I laughed a little, but he  continued to ignore me as if I wasn't even there. "Don't tell me you're mad at me too."

He turns his head to me and gives me the saddest face ever. "Too?" His voice comes out in like a whisper. "Is Nikki ma-" Nikki walked in and Jungkook shut his mouth and looked forward.

"What were you saying?" I said, but he went back to acting as if I was a ghost.

He and Nikki both acted as if they didn't know me, though they also acted as if they didn't know each other.

What is their problem?

The teacher goes through the rows and collects last night's homework. She stands if front of Jungkook and he just gives her the same miserable look he gave me.

"What a surprise, Mr. Jeon. I'm guessing
Y/N didn't let you copy her homework today." He looks down from the intense eye contact. Ms. Wokks smiles and pats his head. "You can make it up after school."

She turns to me and I hand her my paper. She goes back up to the front of the class and clears her throat.

"Class today we will be doing a review due to results of the last test we took. So everyone pull out your notebooks so can take notes and work on problems together. Are there any specific topics anyone is really good at? Carly? Ok. Can you come up and...."

I felt my eyelids go heavy. I've been so stressed this morning that I'm literally exhausted. My eyes fall shut and fall asleep.




The bell rings waking me out of my slumber. I sluggishly slide out of my desk and gather my books. I start heading the the lunchroom.

I grab my lunch and walk to where I usually sit. I stop mid tracks and remember that I honestly don't feel like seeing Nikki. I continue walking and sit alone at a different table.

I didn't have very much of an appetite so I ended up giving away my lunch. After a while of sitting there wallowing in my loneliness I got up to go to the bathroom.

I get in the bathroom and take care of my business. As I wash my hands under the warm water I zoned out.

"You're wasting water." A voice from behind me pulls me back to reality. I look up in the mirror and roll my eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

(821 Words)

Big fat OoOoFf.  Didn't expect that.💕💕

Hey guys! I've been working on a short story I'm really excited for

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Hey guys! I've been working on a short story I'm really excited for.

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