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"What are you doing here?" I say turning off the water and turning around.

"Came to check on you." Namjoon smiles at me. "I sensed something was wrong."

"Thanks..."I look down avoiding his gaze. He then took me in his arms.

The door opened and in walked Nikki. I look up at her thinking of some way I could explain to her why Namjoon was in there.

"Wow..." She says smirking at me.


"This is great." She laughs.

"Please don't tell-"

"Sweetheart I'm telling everyone about this."


"You're really so sad and lonely that you'll sit here and talk to yourself. Haha. You're psychotic."

I looked at her confused as all hell. I turn my head to look at Namjoon who had his finger on his lips not making a sound.

"Well I'll leave you to your lonely little conversation." She turns back around and leaves the bathroom. I wait for a moment before turning to Namjoon.

"She didn't see you?" I say worriedly. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"Adults can't see ghosts." He says simply.

"Ghosts? You're a ghost?"

"What did you think I was"

"Uhh...a demon...?"

"No... but some of my friends are."


"Shhh. Someone might hear you."


"Wait you said adults can't see you?"

"Animals and children have strong enough imaginations to be able to see ghosts and spirits. Adults don't really pay attention to weaker supernatural activities."

"Nikki isn't an adult. She's only 16."

"She probably has the mind of an adult. She grew up too quick."

"What about me I'm mature for my age."

"You still sleep with that giant stuffed bear."

"He's warm ok?"

"He?" He let's out a little chuckle.

"Shut up."

The bell rings cutting off our laughter.

"I have to go to class." I sigh.

"Really? Can't you please stay."

"If I don't go back, I'm sure Nikki will say something."

"Ok...have a good day. I'll see later. When you come ho-"

"Joon." I smile softly

"Ok I'm leaving." He vanishes into thin air.

I take a deep breath and leave the bathroom. I walk to my class and just as I enter the second bell rings and I take my seat.

Ugh History...

I sink into my seat as the teacher begins speaking.

"Today we will have a free day to catch up on work." He announces. "I also have a meeting so I won't be in here, but I'll be back tomorrow." He exits the room.

I love days like this because I never had work to be turned in. I enjoyed the peaceful period until giggles behind me reminded me that Nikki was in this class too.

"Yup, literally just talking to herself."

"Really? That's pathetic."

"Why were you even friends with her Nikks?"

I cringe at nickname that was just made out of a nickname.

"To be honest, I don't even know. I was bored."

I'm not gonna lie it hurt to hear that. I don't let her see that it hurt me and continue ignoring her and her new 'friends'.

"Haha. What's interesting about her? She seems boring." Her friend sings the last part annoyingly.

"Well her and her little crush were fun to watch..."

I whip head around to her smirking back at me. My eyes turned into saucers as she began whispering into the girls ears staring directly in my direction. Her friends burst out in laughter.

What did she do now?

"Can you guys please shut up." I say as politely as possible.

"Excuse me?" Nikki says standing from her seat.

"I said shut up."

She walks to me and stands in front of my desk, prompting me stand up at my desk also.

"What are you gonna do if I don't?"

I stay silent glaring at her intensely. She chuckles under her breath and crosses her arms and leans her face closer to mine.

"Exactly. Nothing."

I began shaking from anger.

"Ha! Go cry to your daddy....if you can find hi-"

She was interrupted by a harsh slap to the face.

Oh shit... I slapped her. I didn't mean to. She just pissed me off.

She held her cheek as she stared at me distraught.

"You really fucked up." Nikki's friend grabs Nikki and drags her back to her seat. I sit down with eyes staring at me in every direction.

The bell rings dismissing us students to our next period. The rest of my class periods were calm and peaceful so enjoyed the rest of my day. The last class ends and I go to my locker to gather my belongings.

I freeze when I see my locker. People around start to laugh. On my locker in black permanent marker is written...

'Looking for easy free fucking?

Fuck...That's my number...

(805 words)

Ok multiple things to address:

1. I know I suck. I have been drowning in school work and on top of that I have other activities I do at school like softball and singing. So sorry I haven't been able to update as much as I want to. I hope guys understand and know I still love y'all.💕💕

2. Thanks so much for support. I know 600 reads isn't a lot to others but it is a lot me.😁😁

3. I have other stories on my page that I'm writing if you guys want to check it out.

As always. I love you all.💕💕 Stay Gucci!

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