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The hand was slowly rubbing circles on my back and occasionally moving upwards to stroke my hair. It was very comforting and it made me feel a lot better. I almost fall asleep, until I think to myself.

"Wait...Who's touching me?"

I turn my body over to look at the person rubbing my back.

"M-monster?" I say out of confusion.

"Sorry I just don't think I've ever seen you this upset before....it kinda makes me sad."he says looking down and continuing to comfort me.

I was in complete shock. After so many years he was so willing to show himself to me just because I was crying. Though, I understand, I hate crying in front of others. I have never cried in front anyone before, except for today. I think it makes me look weak but, I guess I kind of forgot Monster was also in the room at the moment.

"What's wrong?" he said quietly.

His voice was so captivating and calm. Suddenly, I didn't feel sad anymore. I felt happy and excited. This was the first time I got to see Monster or talk to him. I jump up and turn to face him and he smiled waved at me.

"So you're okay now?" he says still smiling at his accomplishment.

Are you kidding me! So you're telling me I had a whole extremely attractive boy under my bed this whole time! Why didn't he just pop up years ago when I bragging about my fake boyfriend in the 2nd grade? Wait, Y/n focus that's not what we're worried about right now.

"You aren't scared of me anymore?" I question him.

"No, I've never been scared of you. I just didn't want to scare you."

"Oh trust me I've never been scared of you." I lied.

"Really?" He says leaning in closer to me and gives me a smile that flashed all of his pointy teeth and his dimples. His eyes also faded from a dark brown that almost looked black to a light green.

I quickly put my hand up to his face to caress it. As soon as I did he leaned his head on my hand and his facial features returned t normal. His skin was so clear and perfect. Even if we were sitting down I could tell he was significantly taller than me. I took my other hand to play his soft pink hair as I continued to admire him.

"Oh wait one sec, I'll be right back." he says and vanishes right before my eyes before I could answer.

"Well....Okay." I say to myself.

Just then I get a text on my phone.

What kind of flowers does nikki like?

Weeds and grass...

Idk. Roses?

Do you know her favorite color?

Puke green and dookie brown...

Pink and Yellow. I think...

Favorite 🍫?


Wtf is that?

My bad don't worry about it.

Are you ok?

Yea im fine.

Do you still need a date to the dance next week? I could hook you up with one of my friends.

That's probably the last option I would've chosen...Wait scratch that, I'd just go alone or not at all.

Nah im good.

You sure?


Yea i have a date already.

(575 Words)

Monster Under the Bed ||k.nj[18+]✔️Where stories live. Discover now