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I wake up to my loud alarm. I turn it off rubbing my face and eyes in the process. I hopped out of bed regretting I did so because the second I landed on my feet I receive sudden flashbacks from my nightmare last night.

"I know that last part was just my imagination but...." I scratch the back my head thinking. "No Y/N, you have to go school. You can't skip today." I tell myself.

I quickly did my usual morning routine all the way through until I get to my front door. I freeze there for a bit.

I'm gonna see her at the bus stop. I'm not scared of her, I just don't feel like seeing her. Drama is the last thing I want right now.

I stand there for a couple more minutes frozen until I force my fingers to twist the bob and open the door.

Today is gonna be a bad day. I can tell already.

I walk to my bus stop and see Nikki sitting the bench contently. I stop a couple feet back and wait by a nearby tree. The bus comes and Nikki strolls up onto the bus I follow some steps behind her. As I walk past bus driver she turns to me and clears her throat.

"I would like to apologize for yesterday. I was already running late on my route so I didn't turn around." The middle aged woman shifted in her seat nervously.

Whatever, bitch.

I rolled my eyes and walked all the way to the back of the bus where no one was sitting. I enjoy the quiet ride the only thing you could was the engine and occasionally the screeching brakes when we reach a stop.

The bus reaches the bus stop near my school and I exit the bus. I walk to the school house in hopes that the whole "free fucking" thing is over. As I'm walking hear someone running up to me from behind. I turn and see it's just Jungkook.

"Hey. I wanted to talk to you but I kinda lost my phone." He rubs the back of his neck smiling like an embarrassed little bunny. I honestly couldn't stay mad at him he's been my best friend for so long.

"Irresponsible, as always." I chuckle. "Where's the last you've seen it?"

"Locker rooms. I was listening to music before I got changed for baseball practice." He says with that cute confused and space out facial expression, hinting that he was thinking really hard. We arrive at school and enter the building.

"Ok, Kook. I'll help you find your phone during lunch." I say walking away from him my first period.

I enter the classroom and take my seat next to Nikki. She seems very happy today. Tooo happy.

I had no problems with her she was quiet and did her work diligently, which was something I haven't seen her do since 7th grade. The bell dismissed class for us and leave. My classes going very even my math class I shared with both Nikki and Jungkook.

Lunch begins and Jungkook and I get a bag of chips to share while we search building for Jungkook's lost phone. We circle the entire building and retrace his steps several times to no avail. We ask teachers and each and every one said 'I didn't find any lost phone.' We finally return to the cafeteria defeated.

"Sorry Kook, but I think your phone is gone." I say as we both sit down at a table. He sighs sadly.

"It's ok. Thanks for helping me though." He says slumping down a little.

Jungkook looks at me and smiles trying to ensure me that he was fine. As he does his face scrunches into confusion as he focuses on something behind me. I turn around to see what he was looking at. It was a group of all grouped together holding what looked like flyers.

"Looks like someone is starting a new club here. I'll go get us both flyers." Kook stands up leaves towards the group of people.

This is too suspicious. My heart is pounding for no reason. Today is going too well. Somethings going on here. The question is: What is it?

I turn to check on Jungkook and he's walking back to the table trembling as if he's in trouble with his parents or something. He sits in front of me and places his cell phone on the table with a trembling hand.

"I-I found my phone." He puts his head down looking at the fingers he is twiddling underneath the table.

"What was going on over there?" I ask not sure if I really wanted to know in the answer.

He looks at me for a slight second and slides the flyer onto the table. I analyze it noticing that it isn't a flyer but is a screenshot. A screenshot off of Jungkook's phone. A screenshot of his messages:

Are you ok?

Yea im fine.

Do you still need a date to the dance next week? I could hook you up with one of my friends.

Yeah! I need some dick in my life.

You sure?

Yea you can join too if you want.


Please daddy😇

Ok, fine.

I kept reading over the edited texts messages as if maybe I had read it wrong. I couldn't believe my eyes. Now, not only is she coming for me she's coming for Jungkook.

Why would she be mad at Kook if he's already taking her to the stupid formal?

Jungkook's POV:

Fuck! I already know what she's gonna ask.

"Why did she involve you?" Y/N straightens her body and looks me in the eyes peering deep into me. "I know you know why. Tell me."

"I-I don't know." I say remembering the threat Nikki graciously gave me.

(990 words)

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