Chapter 1

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"What's for today's schedule?"
"Eto, at 10 a.m will be the flight for Japan, Miss White."
"Ah, souka. Then, how's my sibling doing?"
"Preparing as told."
"Thank you. And please check what will be my schedule once we arrived."

"Yes Ma'am."

Greetings! My name is Gaile White, I'm 17 years old, the young owner of the gaming company "GEM". I don't know what kind of smart ass who'd name the company like that but it's kinda short for Game or so. My father and mother was the former owner of the GEM, until one tragic day happened. The news of a plane crush came to me about 1 year ago and we planned to go to Japan and handle the Company. My mother is a pure Japanese, while my father is pure American.

You would ask: "At a young age, you know how to handle a company?"

Good question, at the age of five I moved in to U.S. And at the age of seven I started to take interest on learning how to create a game, so I studied by myself, I was called a "Prodigy" for being so smart and fast learner. They were quite amaze by my high IQ. But really, if you have the determination you'll succeed~~~..? Usually kids on that age would just wanna have fun, but I have my other reasons.

"Nee-chan, Nee-chan, Nee-chan!" Greeted by 4 adorable children. "We done packing ~!!!"
"Ah! Really? Let me see, let me see." I happily said. The two girls grab my hands and dragged me inside their shared rooms.

"Surprised!!!" An untidy room surprised me.
"Ah? Y-yes. You really surprised me." I sighed and smiled at them. I patted their heads and look at them one by one. "You did a great job, Nee-chan is happy. But let's clean first, okay?"
"Hai!!!" They happily answered and scattered around to pick up things.

I have four siblings, a quadruplet to be exact. 2 males and 2 female.

Emiru White. Firstly born from the four, she's already 3 and so does the rest. She's quite the cheerful child. Emiru's hair color and eye takes after our mother, black hair and gray eyes. She likes her hair tied in a pigtail.

Satomi White, the second from the four. She's quite the shy type. Satomi's hair color is like mine. Blond but the difference is the tip of her hair are color black. Her eyes resembles the color of the sky, blue. She uses a hairpin to move the bangs out of her eyes.

Akio White. The third from the four. He's the type who doesn't ran out of energy that fast. Akio's hair color resembles the color of our father, Brown. His eye color is the same with Satomi. He like his hair well brushed.

Hansuke White. The last from the four. He's like Emiru, cheerful. You can easily tell that his Hansuke due to the color of his hair. Gray. His eye color is like mine, Purple. He like his hair well brushed as well.

"Okay, okay! It's time for you all to take a bath~~! rawrrr!!!" I chased after them, they squealed happily as I caught each of them.

The usual routine was done, after their hair was dried I cleanly fixed the hair of the girls. Emiru gets to wear a white shirt inside of her jumper, Satomi wears a blue stripped shirt inside of her flower designed jumper, Akio wears a brown short sleeved shirt, Hansuke wears purple short sleeved shirt. As for me, the usual simple clothes. White shirt, tight black pants and a black rubber shoes. As of for my hair, maybe I should brush it this time.

"Ma'am, the car is ready. By 8:00 we'll arrive at exact 9:15." Fumatsuki said.

"Ah, thank you. Please assist my siblings and I'll soon follow. After I contact the caretakers." I replied.

"Yes, ma'am. Come along kids, your sister will soon follow." "Okay!"

"Don't forget to behave, okay?" I smiled and nodded at Fumatsuki to take care of the rest.

I went inside my room to check if I have my things to bring. The luggage, my duffle bag, my laptop and files that are mostly important. As I look around, I saw an old photo. "I'll be leaving this lonely house for awhile." I formed a bitter half smile. Grabbing the phone, I started dialing for the number of the caretakers.

"Hello, Miss White?"

"Ah, Mr. Collin, today's our flight so I'll be happy for your family to stay here for the time being."

*sobs through the phone* "You're really going to leave now?! You've been a strong girl Gaile."

"Maa~ of course I am, you've guided me to be strong. And I'm very thankful that you and Mrs. Collin had been my second parents."

"Uwaahh!!! T-take care over there, and take good care of your brother's and sister's. I know how lonely you were back then."

"Hehe, ah, yes yes. You too. You can move here at anytime, if there's any problem at the house don't hesitate to call me and I'll call for a repair man, okay? Goodbye."

The call ended, the sound of Mr. Collin's wailing printed inside my mind. Its funny but at the same time. I'm happy.

I walk outside of the house and handed over the keys to one of my trusted maid to give it to Mr. Collin until he arrives.

"Alright! I'll miss you guys." I smiled widely.

*sobs* "W-we will miss you Miss White!!!" They said in unison. The maids, the guards and the gardener have gathered to bid us farewell.

"Come one, you guys. Don't cry. After all, we'll be coming home here anyways." I reassured giving them all a tight hug. They continued to cry as of they don't know what words shall they ever say.

My secretary, Fumatsuki Mika, my siblings and I waved goodbye as the car drove away.


And that's a wrap!

I hope this first chapter isn't that awful T-T

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