Chapter 13 part 1

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Hello, its been a long time. Hehe. So here's a short note. Try listening to the song Love Maze by BTS. I'm not much of a fan of them, but I love the concept of most of their songs. I think this song will fit in to this chapter, I hope...


"Oi, oi. Submit this papers to the office."

"Yikes! I think she's pretty tick off today."

"Guys, guys! You better do it properly! Before she blows a horn on us!"

"Ahh. She's working pretty hard. So better do the same."

The office was filled with buzzing people. Struggling in somewhat way.

"Argh! Who the hell left the software be virus again?!" I complained as the paper get scattered all over the floor.

"It was the last recruited members ma'am. I-I think they were trying to mess with you as everyone suspect."

"Tch. Inform the strategic team to find the source code STAT!"

One of the employees bowed and left the office. I sighed deeply and sat down to my chair.

It was another busy Saturday for me. And another busy day tomorrow too. I grabbed the pen that is placed to my right side of the table and started to sign the papers that needs my agreement.

"Gaile-sama, you shouldn't be messy even if this is your office." Fumatsuki informed as she enters the room.

"Ah. Sorry about that Fumatsuki-san."

She started picking up the scattered paper and arranging them to its proper arrangement. She then place it on top of the table in front of me.

"Take a few rest first Gaile-sama." She said.

"There's no need for me to rest when there's half of a crisis happening in this company everyday."

"Your as stubborn as ever Gaile." She patted my hair. I came to stop as she calls my name casually. I sighed again for the hundredth time. I decided to follow what she said.

Looking outside the window, it was a pretty clear sky. It must be fun to be an average person sometimes. You could actually enjoy yourself out if you had the spare time.

Unexpectedly, the phone in my office rang. I picked up the phone.


A familiar voice calls my name. A monotonous man that I see everyday at school.

"Yes, what do you need Hayato?"

"Are you not happy to hear me tho?"

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